The Death of Dr. Zola

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Undisclosed Location
HYDRA Facility

The Doctor was dying and everyone was trying their best to save him. If it was up to Aftershock, she would just let him die. Aftershock wished she was referring to Doctor Armin but no, he was fine and well. The Doctor Aftershock was referring to was Dr. Zola, Red Skull's right hand man. One of the most brilliant minds of this century. It was all a load of crap. Zola was past his prime. Nobody deserves to live past their expiration point but everyone in HYDRA was doing their damndest to save him. Including Aftershock, who was a little unwilling to participate.

"Warum sollten wir ihn retten? Er hat uns nicht geholfen. Er war bei S.H.I.E.L.D." (Why should we help him? He has not been with us. He has been with S.H.I.E.L.D.) Aftershock said, bored. "Ich bin ein erfahrener Mörder. Schick mir irgendwo, was zählt." (I am a skilled assassin. Send me somewhere that matters). Doctor Armin placed his clipboard down, narrowing his eyes at his soldier.

"Du wirst gehen, wo du gesagt wirst und du sollst es nicht in Frage stellen." (You will go where you are told and you will not complain about it). Aftershock rolled her eyes.

"Das ist eine Verschwendung meiner Fähigkeiten." (This is a waste of my abilities). Doctor Armin could not argue with her at the moment because he had more pressing matters to deal with and instead, shouted at Aftershock's HYDRA Agents to finish prepping.

"Ihr Flugzeug verlässt in zwanzig Minuten! Bereite deine Männer vor!" (Your plane leaves in twenty minutes! Prepare your men!) Aftershock stopped leaning against the wall and began to head into the hanger bay as she tightened her belt around her waist.

"Nutzlos." (Useless), she muttered under her breath. Aftershock focused on the sound of her boots hitting the pavement. It's how she learned to center herself, focus on the vibrational energy around her. It's what kept her calm in dangerous situations. Aftershock new better than to fight back against HYDRA now, but sometimes residual feelings surfaced that made her want to go ballistic, tear everything they've created over the years, down. And she could do it but then where would she go? Aftershock had nobody out there waiting for her, not that she could remember anyways and she wouldn't be welcomed as a hero. They would probably shun her for her abilities. No, it was best to stay with HYDRA.

"Kommandant kommt!" (Commander coming!) The agents snapped to attention, stopping whatever they were doing and straightening up to salute Aftershock. "Hagel Hydra!" They all shouted in unison.

"Hagel Hydra." Aftershock muttered. "Bist du Stiefmütterchen bereit?" (Are you pansies ready?)

"Ja ma'am." They all shouted. Aftershock sighed.

"Gut, versuch nicht, mich zu verlangsamen." (Fine, try not to slow me down.) Aftershock says sharply, boarding the plane and heading to the cockpit. Aftershock still thought this whole mission was pointless but she would follow orders like a good little soldier.


"Ready to roll boys!" Aftershock shouted to the men. This time, blending in consisted of becoming operatives at S.H.I.E.L.D which meant that speaking English, and speaking it well was top priority. Anyone who couldn't, was staying behind.

"Yes ma'am!" The men shouted. Aftershock hated being called ma'am but there was nothing she could do about it. Instead, she gritted her teeth and turned towards the open hanger of the plane. "Stick close together! If you don't, you'll be dead!" Aftershock shouts at them ,barely glancing over her shoulder. And then, she jumps, right out to the plane without a parachute on her back.

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