Bonus: The Return of James Barnes Pt 2

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Willow and Steve walked slowly out of the parking garage. The helicopter was just in front of them but they both knew they wouldn't make it to it. As expected, Rhodes and Tony appeared, destroying their chance of escape and shouting at them to surrender. "There's a squad of guys just like Bucky, Tony. That man Zemo plans to unleash them." Steve allowed Willow to try to talk some sense into Steve but he didn't seem to want to listen.

"Then let's talk about this huh? Back at the facility. You broke my dampeners Willow, I'm a little offended."

"You wouldn't remove them." Willow snapped. Steve put his hand on her shoulder as the Black Panther and Natasha slowly made their way out onto the field with Tony.

"You two can't just fight your way out of this like you usually do." Natasha warned.

"We're going to try." Steve replied.

"Whelp, I'm bored. Uunderoos!" Tony calls out, confusing both Steve and Willow. Suddenly a nimble guy in a suit ties up Steve and Willows hands with web and pulls Steve's shield out of his hands. Willow can feel his heartbeat, feel his excitement and knows that he's just a kid. When he speaks, this only confirms her suspicions.

"You've been busy." Steve comments lightly, staring at the boy in red, blue and black tights.

"And you've been an idiot." Tony snaps. "Brining Clint out of retirement, "rescuing" Wanda from a place she doesn't need rescuing from."

"Us?" Willow demands. "Tony, that is a teenage boy you have brought here with you. What the hell are you thinking? He could get hurt!"

"Hey I'm pretty.. I'm pretty good at dodging punches and stuff." He argues.

"How about large boulders kid? Tony what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm trying to keep this team together!" Tony shouts. "What was I supposed to do. I already knew we would go into this out numbered."

"So you're expecting a fight?" Steve asks.

"Captain." He says sharply. "You have to turn Barnes over and come with us. It's either us or those damned government officials who will not care who they hurt in the process. People could die."

"People will die if we don't stop Zemo!" Willow shouted back. The ground rumbled and everyone tensed up.

"Willow, don't loose your cool." Tony says cautiously.

"Found their Quinn Jet." Comes Sam's smooth voice over their coms. "Hanger five."

"Too late." With superhuman strength, Willow rips through the webs binding her hands as Clint cuts through Steve's with an arrow. Lange, on Steve shield, grows in size, kicks Spider-Man in the face and then vault backward, shield in hand which he gives to Steve.

A fight quickly ensues with Steve trying to stop Black Panther from getting to Bucky and Rhodes firing everything he's got at Willow. Scott meanwhile, can't hold his own against Natasha. Spider-Man heads off for Sam and Bucky who are a little startled by his presence. "A spider?" Bucky says to Sam.

"God I wish things were normal for us." Sam mutters as they begin to fight off this sarcastic boy in a leotard. Scarlett buries Tony under several cars and Willow raises open a fissure between Black Panther and Steve to get them to stop fighting before Rhodes manages to hit her with a shot of electricity. The blast reminds her of her days of torture at HYDRA and her eyes burn red with fury. She would have torn Rhodes suit in two if Steve hadn't stopped her when he and Lange threw a tanker truck at their friends. "The hangar." Steve shouts at Willow. She nods.

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