Bonus: Age of Ultron

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May 1st, 2015

Riding on the back of Steve's motorcycle, Willow couldn't feel more free. He glanced back at her over his shoulder and mouthed, Are you ready? Explosions and the roar of his engine drowned out any conversation they might have. Smiling, Willow kissed his cheek and vaulted off his motorcycle, landing perfectly in the snow where she immediately knocked out a man who raised his gun at her.

The Avengers were in a remote part of Europe, taking out a HYDRA base like this was the damn forties. Tony had caught wind that this place might hold Loki's scepter and brought in all of his favorite attack dogs to take it down. Steve had explained that with all of them, everything should run smoothly. What the Avengers hadn't counted on though was the twins.

Willow felt, more than saw the boy running circles around Clint as she took down an armored vehicle not to far from his location. It took her mere seconds to lock onto his vibration, she had been training after all, honing her ability to do so, and when she reached out and grabbed him, the boy stopped in place, anchored to the ground by his own vibration.

"Ha! Speedy Gonzalez!" Clint exclaimed as Willow entered the clearing. "Bet you didn't see that coming!" Willow rolled her eyes at her teammate.

"Who is this?" She asks. Clint shrugs.

"Beats me. I've never seen this kid before in my life." Before Willow could ask the boy any questions, she felt him tug against the vibrations violently, causing Willow to let go involuntarily.  She wasn't used to someone holding their own against her powers. "Where'd he go?" Willow shrugged, feeling him race back to the fortified castle.

"There's an Enhanced on the battle field." Willow said into the com as she raced through the forest trying to catch him. A minute later Natasha shouted,

"Clint's down!" Willow froze in her tracks. In the minute she had been gone, her teammate had gotten hurt. Willow cursed herself lightly as Steve ordered Thor to take him back to the airplane while Natasha went to calm down Bruce Banner. Tony and Steve were already inside the HYDRA base so Willow rushed to catch up to them.

"I have Strucker." Steve said as Willow stepped into the castle.

"Who else is with you?" Willow asked him, feeling the vibration of another person in the room with him from three floors up. Willow heard Steve get in a small scuffle as she raced upstairs. The person, whoever it was, would be headed right for her.

A teenage looking girl with dark hair and a red jacket slammed the large wooden doors shut and as she spun around, Willow reached out and locked her vibration. She seemed startled by the fact that she couldn't move. "Another enhanced." Steve said into the com.

"I have her." Willow replied just before someone punched her in the jaw, making her loose concentration. It was the boy from earlier. He sped towards the girl, scooped her up and was gone like a flash. Steve threw open the doors as Willow rubbed her jaw. "I don't have her." Steve merely smiled as he pulled Strucker out through the door with him. He whistled upon seeing Willow.

"Ah, HYDRA's favorite Enhanced. How are you Aftershock my dear?" Willow punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"That's how I am thank you very much." Steve laughed, shaking his head at her.

"I have the scepter. Let's get out of here guys." Came Tony's voice over the com links.

"Clint is loaded up, ready to go." Thor affirmed.

"And I have Dr. Banner." Natasha said.

"Alright Avengers, move out." Steve called out.


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