Chapter 2

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Gaby's Pov

I sped walked to the office and saw our principal waiting out side the office for me. Creepy.

"Hello Miss. Garcia." The principal said while smirking.

"You asked for me?" 

"I think you and your friends should just stop with the games. I saw your courage to save your friends relationship from earlier today. Your a true friend that is. I would like you to meet one of my very good friends, Miss Lovato."

Demi freaking Lovato walked out of the front office into the principals office.

"Demi, this is ths student I wanted you to meet. Gaby Garcia."

"Hi! Can I ask you some questions?"

"Hello! And yeah sure."

"Okay first, Why'd you do that? The whole thing, like defending them, and making a bunch of stuff up?"

"Ummm.... Cause I wanted them to get together for a long time. It wasn't just me though. Pretty much everyone we hang out with ships them two. I also knew their relationship would last. I've known Lauren for pretty much all my life. When she started 8th grade, she got into the bad crowd, bad grades, drugs, drinking, smoking, and all that other crap. She told me that she didn't want to do it, but it was because of peer pressure, but in 9th grade, when Camila came into her life, everything started to change. The new Lauren was gone, and the old Lauren was back. I really missed her. When Camila came, they autimatically clicked. After a month, everyone started shipping them two, mostly Dinah and I. I just wanted their relationship to last, and I NEVER want to see the bad Lauren again. Also when CAmila came, she didn't only change Lauren's life, she also changed mine. Our principal could tell also. In sixth and seventh grade, I always got in trouble for fighting, because I was bullied. And so on. But when Camila came, Lauren would defend me, not just watch me get beat. Camila also helped me get through all the struggles, and everyone just had peace.''

Demi's Pov

"Damnnnn Thats a really touching story. If you need anything, just call me, or come find me. I'm always on the campus. I was also told that you are one of the best music editors, remixers and such and such, in the whole east coast."

"Thats what people say." She replied unsure.

"Can you prove it? Can you remix my song nightingale, to a up beat dance song?"

"HOLY SHIT, I mean crap. You don't even know how much I love that song. Like seriously, its the bomb dot net."

I chuckled at her dot net remark

"I also heard that you guys are doing the talent show for your school. I have heard A LOT about your friends voices. Can you bring them here? Like text them to come, because its lunch. I want to tell all you guys something, as well as your friends that are dating."

"Of course. Thank you Miss. Lovato."

"Damn all that Miss. Lovato shit makes me feel old. Call me Demi." 

She just nodded and texted her friends.

"Do you want me to surprise them?" 

"Oh my goodness. Yess please!" She exclaimed.

After a couple minutes, I peeked around the doorway, and saw five other girls, they seemed to be in high school busted through the door.

"She's not even here, but if she is, I will kill you, and her with hugs, cause she's like a life saver." One of the five said. She had a pink bow on her head, and she was holding hands with another girl. I am guessing that's the couple? The other girl had piercing green eyes. 

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