Chapter 9

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Camila's Pov

Lauren pushed me up against the wall, and whispered into my ear,"Nemo?" 

"HELL YEAH BITCH!" I screamed.

"Oh my God" She said whil cracking up.

We decided to change into sweats, so we would be more comfortable. Lauren put in the movies, and we climbed into bed, and cuddled.


"Yes baby?"

"You don't know where I would be with out you. Honestly. You saved me from myself."

"Awwwww baby. Don't cry. Please."

She brought me close, and just held me, while all the flash backs from the past went through my mind.


"Yo guys, its fagbello. Why are you alone? Are you going to follow in your sisters footsetps and kill your self too? Why don't you fight back? Oh yeah, because your too scared. Just go hideaway. No one needs you here anyway. Your useless." Jelina said.

Her whole group closed in on me. Honestly I don't know what I wanna do. I don't have the strength to fight back, and I'm used to this shit anyway. But seriously i don't want to get in trouble. I still can't belive they brought my sister in this. My sister, her name was Kourtney. Jelina's older sister, and brother, both bullied my sister I guess, until the point she couldn't handle it anymore. She decided to just commit sudicde just to get away from it. I still can't belive she did that. I can't. Ever since that, I fell into depression, and severe anxiety. My dad was sent to Iraq, and has still not come back yet. It has been three years. Three fucking years since I have heard his voice. Three fucking years since I have seen him, since I have felt him, since I have done anything with my family. My mom on the other hand, I hardly see. She's always out and my little brothers, just stay with me. My daily routine is practically being a mother to them, since my own mother is not there for me, or for them. 

I closed my eyes, so the normal punch didn't hurt as much, but nothing has hit me yet. I opened my eyes and saw that the green eyed beauty, the one that has keeped me alive, was beating the shit out of all the five girls. One of her friends, Gaby ran over and helped I guess. This is so new. The first time somebody actually noticed me. And the wierd thing was, is they're jocks. Gaby's the star wrestler on the boys team, since there is now girls wrestling team, and captain of the girls varsity middle school team, as a sixth grader. And Lauren on the other hand, is our star girls softball player on the varsity team, and is kinda the schools badass. She's actually hanging out with the bad people less and less. I'm actually kinda happy, which is very rare. Lauren finally spoke to me, she carried me to the nurses office, to get my cuts cleaned up, which I didn't feel get kind of beat up. She is my sunshine. SHE keeps me strong. The funny thing is, is that this is the first time she has noticed me. The very first time. She is lighting up my day, just by looking at me.

end flashback



"The day you saved me from those girls, I was going to give up. But you lightened up my day, just by looking at me. You gave me hope. You gave me the strength to just keep going. You were the spark, that created the boom for me to grow, and learn, to not give up. And just after one week you came into my life, I became one year clean. I don't know if you remember, which you probably don't, you saved me. One year ago, I dropped the knife, flushed them, and threw them out. I stopped because of you Lo."

 Lauren's Pov

"...I stopped because of you Lo."

This brought me to tears. I can't believe that my baby hurt her self. I can't believe that she had nobody. That everyone picke on her. EVERYONE. She is perfect in my eyes. Her lushous brown locks of hair, her brown orbs that captivate me when I look into her eyes, the perfect shape of her body, her wonderful personality, and her akwardness that I just love.

"I will protect you. No one will hurt you again. Hell, Gaby, Dinah, and I will reassemble our kickass team.You are not alone Camila. You are never alone. I will always be here for you, and so are the girls. I won't leave you, even if it is between life and death. Hell, I'll jump off a building to show my love for you. I love you with 99.9% of my heart Karla Camila Cabello. Never forget it. I love you." I said through my tears.

I wiped the tears falling from her eyes with the pad of my thumb, and pressed our foreheads together. Nothing can describe my feelings for this girl. Nothing, nothing at all.


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