Chapter 12

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Gaby's pov


"Ugh, what the fuck. Oh great school." 

I quickly got out of bed, and hopped into the shower. For some reason, everything was coming back. How my REAL dad got killed in Iraq during a war. How my mom and step dad left me, with three other children. How my brother is away at college now, and that I don't even have any contact to him. I  just shook it off, and started shaving. Mindlessly, I accidentally cut my stomch, but it was actually relieving. 

"No, no I'm not going back. No." I kept repeatedly telling myself. 

One. That's it. 

I bust open the razor, and a couple blades popped out. I held one up to my skin, and the next thing I knew, blood was trickling down my tummy. There were five red lines left, and the reliving stinging sensation has began.  I quickly washed off the blood, and began weeping, in the final realization on what I have just done. "WHY DO I ALWAYS SCREW EVERYTHING UP! HOW COME I UST CAN'T BE A NORMAL HUMAN?" I yelled, letting my anger take over me.

"Gaby? You okay?" I heard Lauren yelling from down stairs. 

"YEAH I'M GOOD!" I yelled back.

I can't belive I relapsed after being ten months clean. Why do I always mess everything up?

I quickly changed into sweatpants, a sports bra, a tank top that covered my whole stomach,and a sweatshirt, even though its going to be like seventy five degrees today. I slipped on a pair of retor Jordans, grabed my school stuff, and headed down stairs, just to find Taylor and Chris on thier phones, Niall and Josephine on Camila's lap, and Lauren by the counter cooking.

"Do we have that stupid ass common core testing today?" I asked.

"Yep it really easy." Taylor replied, because her class already took it. 

Lauren's Pov

I honestly think something is really wrong with Gaby, and I have a feeling that Camila can tell too. First of all, she's wearing both sweatpants, and a sweatshirt in fucking seventy five degree weather. Second of all, she took an extremely long time in the shower, longer than normal, even with her shaving. Third of all, she hasn't said much to me so far, because normally she would be like, hello, how ya doin, what are we having for lunch? and shit like that. 

To: Camzie<3

Somethings wrong with her. Can you tell too? 

From: Camzie<3

Yeah. I can. Its the sweats and sweatshirt that gives it away. I'll buy you two time together, because of the extended lunch. That okay?

To: Camzie<3 

Sounds like a plan. Wait I havea pre plan. Make out with me, and if she dosen't say "Get a room Camren, they are children around. Oh and if you do, please tone down the moaning." Something is very wrong. Very very wrong.

From: Camzie<3


Camila grabs my face, and starts kissing me, and she ends up making her way onto my lap, and she wrapped her legs around my frame. For about five minutes, nobody said anything, but Taylor finally said that it is time to go to school.

"Yeah, something is definately wrong..." Camila finally said on our way out the door. 

"Wait, babe, did she ever tell you all the 'disorders' doctors diagnosed her with?" 

"No... Why?"

"Well, here, she has ADHD, OCD, mild bi-polar disorder, mild depression, and anger problems." 

"Well damn."

"Yeah, I think that she is kind of getting all frustrated, or she is getting flashbacks of everything, or that she just is I don't even know. I'll ask her, can you tell everyone in our group, to like take a SUPER long time on the Common Core test, so it will just be me and her at lunch." 

"Wow babe, that's a great plan."

"Why thank you madam."

We walked through the school gates and went to our seperate lockers. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Camila telling everyone to just take so fucking long for testing, just to give Gaby and I time. The people that looked the most alarmed, were Gaby, Dinah, Jack, and Joseph. 

We went to our first class, music, and it wasn't like our normal time. We weren't messing around. We weren't talking at all. Work. Just work. Once those one hundred minutes were over, we went to our first 'core' class on our scheudele, and started taking all our tests. The test was honsetly, the easiest one all year, an basically everybody finished thier first two subjects in the first block. We had our daily nutrition brake, and we just standed around, pretending to be happy. Next, was our second testing block, the one everyone is supposed to take a REALLY REALLY long time on. I looked over on my right, and saw Camila just doodling on her scratch paper, without any of her tests at least started. Classic Camz. The bell finally rang for lunch, and I waited outside of Gaby's classroom, which is right next to mine. 

"Hey babe." I said to her.

"Hey. Where's everyone else?"



We just walked in silence to our usual lunch spot, and sat down and ate.

"What's been up with you lately?" I asked. "You have been, really, like covered up, and out of it, I geuss you could say."

She just suddenly froze, crawled on my lap and broke down.


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