Chapter Two: Saturday Night Fever

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WARNING: *Lots* of dialogue.

Anyways, woot! 2-3 days early from the deadline!!! But since school starts this week, I wasn't sure if I could post on Tues./Wed. =.= Just extra time for me to write. Revising, as usual, was speedy so...BUT, this chap is pretty long...and so will the next, maybe?


Cassandra shivered underneath her royal purple and silver varsity jacket, but she was relieved from not having to wear the dreaded Bobcat Girls coat anymore. She was at least half an hour late, and she wasn't the type to make one of those fashionably late entrances. People probably wouldn't care anyways, considering how the lights made everyone multi-colored. She finally reached Fort Pinta, eyeing the horde of horses in the clumped stalls that usually overflowed if it weren't for winter break. Most of the people here were probably the newbies. Wonderful. Cassandra decided to let Summerbelle rest for the night and hitched onto the purple van instead. She kind of regretted it, but Summerbelle's rest was essential.

She stopped behind a girl and boy, and she took them to be in a relationship. The pair were holding hands after all. They weren't sophomores, so she wouldn't know their names.

"I know we were banned for making out, but puh-lease, have you never had a little fun?" The girl had streaks of purple and yellow throughout her jet black hair, and you could tell by the tone of her voice that she was frustrated. The beefy guard/bouncer only grunted in response. Cassandra suppressed an amused expression and walked up to the guard as the pair left unsatisfied. The boyfriend took one look at Cassandra though, and he appeared to want to talk, but kept walking with his girlfriend.

Cassandra flashed her ID for a only few seconds until the guard gestured her to go in. She took a deep breath, afraid that she would be alone all night. Her close friends were away, the lucky girls they were, and her available friends were closer to other people. This included members of the Bobcat Girls Riding Club. Within minutes of her entrance, someone gripped her wrist. She would've shrieked if she didn't recognize the girl immediately.

"Oh my gawd, Sonja!" Cassandra retracted her hand and made sure to brush it against Sonja's suede jacket and laughed, "Keep your germs to yourself. I thought you quit being a ninja and decided to be an environmentalist!"

"Sorry San," Sonja grinned but her face quickly hardened, "I was in the middle of another one of my essays until Tan came up and told me about how I owe you. Geez, you'll never let go of the time I accidentally splashed freezing water onto Summerbelle!"

"Never, but that's what friends are for. We remind each other about dues and fees," Cassandra viewed -- actually, there wasn't much to see smack in the middle of dancing bodies. The funny thing was was that it was way more flooded when normal Fridays and Saturdays occurred. "Ooh, on the topic of your pay...," She motioned Sonja to come to the more remote area. The sizable patio gave a nice view of the ocean, but the waves were only shadows beyond what the lights revealed.

"They aren't beginner riders, San, I know," Sonja spoke up when a quartet of students finally left, "I saw the way they rode. They aren't your typical newbies."

"It's like you can read my mind," Cassandra crossed her arms, feeling a bit inferior all of the sudden, "But you saved me the embarrassment of confessing that." She tapped her chin and her eyes lingered towards the dance floor. "Jorvik usually never gets students that have a solid background and rank as a rider." Most learned throughout their time in Jorvik.

"Like your sister Lisette?" Sonja had a comical look on her face that indicated she wanted to poke at Cassandra's nerves.

"Oh shut up. I'm talking uncommon like a senior enrolling here. I even overheard staff talking about how there were more just because of how limited the winter scouting was."

"This really doesn't affect us though. They might not even be in our grade."

"You haven't the slightest idea." Cassandra placed her hand on her forehead whilst leaning over the fence. Sonja raised her immaculately waxed eyebrow.

"Oh I fear these experienced riders will outride you, and you're just making up excuses," Sonja gave a pert smile, patting Cassandra's shoulder.

Cassandra jaw would've unhinged if it weren't for the unnatural chants coming from indoors. Both girls dared to step in, not expecting the worse. The worse would be a fight, but that hasn't happened in ages. But since basically everyone was chanting "Fight! Fight!", you would reckon there was one. Wrong.

"Can't boys quit looking dorky just to impress girls?" Cassandra gave a tight lipped crit, deeming the situation of two guys in a dance-off not to be something to be excited about. She never really danced at the weekly discos, more like have little chats or gossip sessions. She didn't even dress for such a drab occasion. She didn't know it, but Sonja left to drink strawberry punch.

"I thought you were too grumpy of a person to attend a carousal like this."

"You know that I am, Sonja, but it's great opportunity to-" Cassandra paused out of shock. She recognized the voice addressing her was octaves lower than Sonja's. She turned sharply to a wide eyed Aleksey.

"Damn, your hair woman!" Aleksey rubbed his left cheek, looking disturbed.

"Alek!" Before Cassandra could utter a bitter response, a well dressed and bright eyed Nancy tugged on Aleksey's sleeve. "I need you at the stables!"

"OMG! I do nawt need this!" Cassandra turned heels and pushed through the sea of people, some trying to fight against her as well. She managed to make through to the punch bowl, eyes looking at the floor. Sonja was no where in sight though.

"Hi...punch?" A soft voice captured Cassandra's attention. Cassandra lifted her head and accepted the offered grape punch.

"And who might you be?" She took one sip and focused on a willowy girl with dark red hair and golden eyes.

"Blaire Garnetcrow," the girl took one look at her punch, "It's embarrassing, but I've been wanting to meet you."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, you're Lisette's little sister!"

Cassandra refrained from throwing the disposable cup onto the floor. If you knew her well enough, then you would know why she had this look of burning hatred in her blue eyes, but the corners of her lips were raised.

"I'm sure Lisette mentioned my older sister Nora....," the rest of Blaire's words started to blur out of her ears. Cassandra only kept smiling and nodding her head, trying to fake interest. After an explanation that hadn't stopped, Cassandra finally belted out.

"Let me stop you there Blaire. It's been quaint, but have you had any past riding records?" That was really all Cassandra wanted to know.

"Well of course. You're looking at the 2012 Weisington Champion, dressage division. What about you?" Cassandra nearly withdrew from the question.

"Little things here and there...we'll see each other at the annual Jorvik championship and a couple others, yeah?" Cassandra placed her cup inside the the trash bin, "Now excuse me. But I have to go use the restroom." Blaire nodded in reply and went off to enjoy the debauchery.


Immediately when entering the ladies' room, Cassandra went up to the sink and checked herself. She fixed her already static hair, and splashed her face with cold water. So what? There were more riders with actual reputations now, but that wouldn't shake her. Not at all. She was just about to leave after drying her hands until she her a wretched sound. It was the unfortunate sound of someone hurling.

"Make sure to flush!" Cassandra really meant it.

"San?! Oh god," Cue extra vomiting.

Out of curiosity, Cassandra opened the sea green stall door to find a crouched Sonja. The other redhead looked up and asked, "Did you have any punch?"

"Grape...," Cassandra kept a safe distance from Sonja, which clearly signaled how tight their friendship was or how it worked.

Sonja stood up and flushed. After that, she strolled over to the sink to wash up.

"Really? I had strawberry, which is a bit suspicious since the punch has always been grape..."

Cassandra had been crossing her arms, which was almost her signature pose these days. Suddenly, she bolted from the restroom, leaving a confused Sonja. She took no prisoners as she defied the throng of people, scratching people's necks if they were too slow in moving. She made it alive and whole outside, throwing a hasty grin at the guard. It probably made her look suspicious. She darted towards the Fort Pinta stable area, heart still pumping stronger than usual when approaching a small band of three high schoolers, specifically sophomores, all wearing green and gold colored varsity jackets.

"Forrest, you nitwit!!" Cassandra dove straight for a surprised Forrest Goldstreet and shoved him in the chest, "What the hell are you doing poisoning Sonja?" She pinned him down onto the truck all of them were crowded around. Forrest raised his arms in surrender, onyx eyes nearly popping out of his skull. When enraged Cassandra released him, Forrest took out his handy dandy comb and brushed his mossy green dyed hair while talking, "What are you saying? I gave the toxic punch to those noobs! Ehh...the black haired chick and the blonde dude!"

"Apparently you can't get your hair color or faces straight, because I found Sonja nearly sprawled all over the bathroom floor! Do you have short-term memory or some disease?!" Cassandra rubbed her temples, feeling the small throbbing of it, "I pointed them out when they were talking at that beach with rocky thorns! Ugh!" She sat inside the trunk of the truck and buried her face in her hands. "Don't. Touch. Me."

"Alright," Forrest sighed, taking off his hand from her shoulder and sat next to Cassandra, "To be fair, those neon lights must've made everyone look the same. Sorry." Both stayed silent for a while. The short lived tranquility came to an end when the other two slammed the doors and started the engines. Cassandra jolted up and peered into the seats, "What are you doing?!"

The guy who was driving, Luke, stepped on it and let the truck rip off, "It's bad, man, I think the guard discovered our little strawberry solute! Can't have him sic other guards on us!"

"You mean my strawberry solute! I worked hard on that stuff in chemistry!" Cassandra growled and settled down into the seat of hers.

"Hey! We the members of Sacred Ruins only owe you because you brought us the-" Luke only shut up when Cassandra screamed out, "I don't want to talk to about it!!!"

"Oi...this screaming is going make us easier to locate," the girl in the passenger seat peered back with a displeased expression, "Cassandra, I don't know what beef you have with those riders, but we are never doing something like that again. What is wrong with you?"

Cassandra only responded with a death glare towards Serina and huffed. The silence was broken again.

"By the way, why are you still wearing that Silverglade Castle Knights coat? You're a Harvest County Day Paladin now," Forrest questioned. Cassandra didn't bother answering, because she didn't have one on her. She took off her coat in disgust, but hugged it tightly because of the frigidness and deep fondness. The truck drove on to Jarlaheim.

---Back at Fort Pinta Stables---

"So she's been acting up all of the sudden?" Aleksey patted Angelrunner's neck heartily and ran his fingers through her raven mane. After minutes of Angel's ravenous acts both Aleksey and Nancy were worn down. They had managed to calm the beast.

"I came back to check on her, and she tried to buck the door. She's usually so sweet. It could be the hay, but I filled it once we got here." Nancy pointed towards the trough. Aleksey left Angelrunner and peered into the straw. He started to rummage through the hay, wondering if anything suspicious was spilled. "What the..." He pulled out what seemed to be a ziploc bag containing flecks of a pale pink powder. "This stuff must've burst out. We should call the vet."


After a nerve-racking half hour, both riders finally reached Silverglade Village. The street lights made the town look awry, and the Cheshire grin moon did little to help with light. When the trailer car came to a full stop at the clinic, Nancy immediately got out and helped the vet successfully lure Angel out. Aleksey got out a little later but ventured into the office instead. He started inspecting the veterinarian's certificates, and he ended up impressed.

"Let me just get my clipboard and pen. I'll be inspecting Angelrunner shortly," the vet barged into her office with Nancy, nearly scaring the wits off of Aleksey. After the vet finished gathering her things, she went into another room and made sure to lock the door.

"Weird, why would a vet need to lock the door? You should be entitled to see your own horse, " Aleksey grumbled and sat on one of the navy blue seating chairs. Nancy sat in an orange one parallel to his.

"Magic maybe. I have a question for you Alek," Nancy twiddled her fingers, eyes diverted. Alexei raised eyebrows, waiting. "What did Mr. Moorland mean by two schools? Aren't there more? The manual was pretty blunt about the schools, it didn't even say their names. And what about the middle schools?"

"Oh, that's right. You're special, totally forgot, sorry...," Aleksey cleared his throat and resumed, "That's more than a question actually, but anyways...I'm pretty sure all 50 of us are high schoolers. Middle schoolers aren't allowed to apply during winter. The middle school shares its location with Silverglade Academy, but it's called Silverglade Junior. There are smaller high schools and middle schools scattered around Jorvik, but they are only open to residents, not students overseas. Doesn't it feel nice to have schools catered to us foreigners?"

"What about the other high school?"

"That's Harvest County Day, or HCD. The school is, from the name, found in the Harvest Counties. The school practices in a smaller area than Silverglade and it's relatively new, but its record is just as remarkable. Don't get me wrong, both aren't the oldest schools. The eldest is Jorvik High, but that place is exclusive to residents, from what I've told you already you already know, huh?"

"Here's what I don't understand. I approached Cassandra today, and she believes we're all basically beneath her feet. Is that related to school?"

Aleksey closed his eyes and shook his head, "Could be an ego thing. Jorvik has suddenly flourished with international recognition. More advanced riders are arriving, us for example, and selection has started to have higher standards for high schoolers. Frankly, it's nerve racking to older riders."

"Will we get to choose which school to attend?"

"They have some pep-rally and greet thing next week. That's where they give us sign-up sheets. Silverglade or HCD, Nancy? I could tell you info."

"And hear it again at the rally," Nancy chuckled, "No thanks, I think I'll bide my time. You know an awful lot for a 'new' rider."

"Ha, I have a brother of sorts that has a job here," Aleksey stood up to retrieve some cold water from the water cooler. He sat down and took small sips.

"Oh...what about you? The school you plan for?"

Aleksey nearly choked on that small capacity, "Well, I don't know. I guess whichever side persuades me the best."

Nancy was about to ask another one of her endless questions, but the vet made a loud entrance once again, almost sending her and Aleksey off their chairs. The vet adjusted her spherical glasses as she checked her notes. 

"Ah yes, it would seem that Angelrunner has suffered from...." the vet went into incredible detail that must've lasted for five minutes. Both Aleksey and Nancy politely smiled, but both didn't have the vaguest of ideas about technical terms.

"....and to put it simply, Angel will recover after 24 hours of rest at this clinic and a special bran you can find in this village. Um, fetch me the bran on the way out. It's not fatal, but you can never be too sure," the vet tapped the plastic bag, humming a bit, "This really interests me. It smells like...strawberries but has portions of theobromine. This had to be concocted in one of those labs."

"So it was intentional?" A worried Nancy rose up and stepped up towards the vet.

"Now, let's not go around and point fingers. I'm sure it was some silly scientific experiment gone wrong and dumped carelessly." 

Nancy muttered, "Who's that careless?"

"I will create excuse slips for the both of you in a minute. On the bright side, Angelrunner will be fine by Christmas, and certainly dandy enough for the gymkhana."

It seemed like there were so many events planned on this island that Nancy's head swirled. It would take a couple weeks for her to adjust to the event schedules and plans. It was much different from her former freelance life. "Ah, ok. I suppose we'll leave after we get those papers..and what about the bill?"

As if on cue, the vet tossed her the bill. Aleksey caught it and whistled. "Wooh, we might need to jailbreak your credit card Nan!"

"Give me that," Nancy giggled and snatched the paper. The appointment was pretty cheap. "You're such a liar!" She took out her card and slid it at the register. She approved the service and went into the other room. She gasped at the brilliance of the stalls. A couple of other horses were resting in spacious compartments, all having some of the best hay. Jorvik really did care for its horses. "I'll see you in a day sweetie, you'll be fine," Nancy kissed Angel's velvety muzzle and gave it one last pat. She returned to the office and gestured towards the door, "Guess it's time to get the bran and rest at the dorms...and I thought orientation would be a bit less bitter. At least I have a fun competition to look forward to." She went up to the desk to accept the slips and gave one to Aleksey.

"Why so determined? Got your eyes already set on someone?" Aleksey rose from his seat and opened the door. Ladies first of course.

"The girl who snubbed both of us of course...I sort of challenged her," Nancy tossed a warm smile and stepped out into the coldness.

"And when you win, tell her Aleksey Blackheart and Nancy Rainfield are not an item."

"You haven't considered that?" 

"Er, what was the vetrinarian's name again?!"

Despite the downs outweighing the ups of the day, the two managed to laugh off into the night.

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