Chapter Seven: The Pied Jorvikian and Horse Pt.2

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This is why this story is in the Fantasy category! I'm really glad I had early release to finish this up! This chapter is not edited.


Cassandra rubbed Summer's flank, wondering whether or not Mira was truly made. The advanced Paladins were sent up the mountain and into the lake area for cross country practice. She felt like Mira was also on the border line of scared. Perhaps Mira was trying to play off her fear by acting annoyed at Cassandra's Sherlock-like behavior. 

The wine-red haired girl viewed her timepiece and bit her lip. She parked herself and Summer near the other four members of the sophomore advanced team. They were in the dead center of the little paradise called Valedale Lake. The air was fresh, but if you were there in the early morning, the sharp coldness would probably scratch your lungs. Cassandra nearly tripped into Barbara Duskprince, an absent-minded girl who was often in her own little world. Cassandra wasn't the only one surprised, but the entire team braced themselves at the thudding of hooves. 

A herd of Castle Knights had arrived, and it seemed like glory sputtered from their mere presence. Of course, Cassandra was too busy recognizing two familiar people than aweing beneath their feet. The dratted couple was here. 

Despite the fact that Aleksey and Nancy had burst her space bubble, Cassandra silenced herself. Barbara snorted at the group and returned to her horse. Cassandra's grip on Summer's cobalt reins tightened, and her knuckles appeared snow white. More than ever, she wished Tiffany was not on the intermediate team, seeing as Mira was too busy sulking on a huge boulder. 

"Good evening, Cassandra," a facade of a smile cracked on Serina's face. Before Cassandra could reply, a dirty blonde haired Lucas intervened, "Aha! Paladins and Knights, together, yay!" 

Cassandra wanted to smack her forehead at the innocence of yet another one of her previous boyfriends. This one though, they were better off as friends. Both of them came to the bittersweet conclusion eventually, yet they continued to text or talk sometimes. "Stop protecting your flirtatious girlfriend," Cassandra teased. 

Obviously, that was a blow to Serina's pride. The opposing girl only kept her smile for a while before responding, "I kind of like looking down on you." Serina issued Baroque, a polished blood bay English Thoroughbred, to near onto Cassandra and Summer. Summer's nostrils flared at the stallion's approach.

"Don't be so snobby about riding a stallion," Cassandra sneered, "Tiffany has her own now."

"That little wannabe?" Serina's eyes widened all doll-like at the mention of the other girl. She held a hand to her ear mockingly and said, "Oh...wait! I remember her! She's on the intermediate team!"

Cassandra nearly jerked the reins ferociously. She was yet again interrupted. This time, however, it was Mr.Andersson that was responsible.

"If any of you insolent teens wreck my precious lake and the area around it, I am fining both your schools double the amount," his deep voice thundered. The groundskeeper muttered nonsense under his breath and returned to his bench. 

Johanna appeared afterwards and offered a friendly smile towards the grumpy Mr.Andersson, only to receive a grunt. "Ooookay," she awkwardly stated. The young instructor approached both Paladins and Knights. She commanded, "Paladins, up on your horses. I thought all of you were prepared."

"I would if my horse were here!" Mira shouted. The entire group looked up to a grumpy teen.

Johanna opened her mouth to shout, "What?! Are you so irresponsible that you lost a half-ton animal?! Where is he?!" Cassandra could detect the horses wincing at the shrill voice. She wanted to argue back saying it was her fault, but Mira fired back.

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