Chapter Six: Evaluation(s)

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I don't think I can call this late ^_^ Wednesday was my secondary deadline anyways. I have to thank the snow storm that hit my area! 


"Ugh. What's the point of new Jordans if they're only a different color? I don't get Mira," Tiffany snorted.

Cassandra and Tiffany walked into their first class, chemistry, and expected to sit in last semester's assigned seats. Both were wrong and found a familiar Brazilian blowout-haired brat.

"Um. That's my seat," Cassandra crossed her arms and her blue-grey eyes finally went alive from waking up so early.  Wide-eyed Tiffany awkwardly settled in her chair. 

Blaire nonchalantly raised her head and replied, "Oh...sorry? Ms.Dalewind said table two, seat C."

That could only mean one thing. Cassandra silently groaned at the notion of alternating seating arrangements. The reason why Tiffany was even friends with her was because they spent the first semester together as lab partners. 

"Cassandra?" A middle-aged, sharp-minded woman approached the lost teenager, "Is there a problem? Your position is at table 7, seat M. Tiffany...huh, you're where you were last time. Looks like the seating generator made a mistake. Oh well."

"Of course. I was just greeting Blaire. We really bonded over break," Cassandra lied through her teeth and gave a curt smile before heading towards her new seat. It was in the back, and she wasn't exactly fond of its location. It was harder to focus when you were farther away, and Cassandra was not someone who liked to miss out parts of lessons.

When she sat down, she caught a sympathetic look from her bestie. Cassandra would've growled if that look came from someone that wasn't Tiffany. She pulled her notebook from her messenger bag and started to create a new table of contents. She couldn't believe essential questions/demands still existed.

"Is NaCl soluble in water?" was scrawled on the white board in green expo. Cassandra nearly dropped her jaw at how unbelievably easy the problem was. Did Ms. Dalewind think their brains were frozen from break? Newbies had to take online courses preliminarily to catch up too. There was no darn excuse. She sighed and wrote down "Yes, duh."

"Do you answer questions with sarcasm in writing all the time?"

Cassandra didn't realize her new lab partner sat down until he made a smart comment. She looked to her left to see a Desmond with thick rimmed hipster glasses leaning to the side a bit to read her answer. 

"Nice Coach glasses," Cassandra retorted, "But where were they when you were racing?"

"I tore my last pair and left the Acuvue box back in Perth," Desmond shook his head as he pulled out a notebook, "Look, I take sarcasm badly, so I hope you don't laugh at me saying thanks for the compliment."

"Then you have nothing to worry." And class started with explanations on how the classroom worked and how your notebook should be organized. When the time came to discuss topics with your partner, Cassandra kept her eye on a laughing Tiffany. What was so funny coming out of Blaire's mouth? She kept trying Desmond's patience when her mind was across the room or came up with a blank answer. Towards the end of class, Ms.Dalewind announced, "Good luck to those who have evaluation tests today. And for those who don't and ride, enjoy your free period."

Most of everyone cheered as the bell rang. Cassandra desperately power-walked up to the room to snag Tiffany away before stupid Blaire could talk more.


Cassandra transcended upon the cafeteria in a confident manner with Tiffany and Mira on both sides. From the corner of the eye, she could see someone give more than a look. There were plenty of onlookers, but she usually dismissed them. That was the thing about having a small group of close friends. People craved exclusiveness. She felt her confidence level drop drastically when she realized who was observing her.

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