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Your POV

The food arrived. It was still smoking.

Sans just ate it like it wasn't even hot.

"Another question, how do you even have a tongue?"

"i'm a magical being, i can grow wings outta my back."

"Ok.. but why are you so warm? It's physically impossible for a skeleton to be warm."

"first of all, mmmmmmmmmmmmmagic. second of all, how do you know i'm warm?"

"Well, you tend to hug me alot."

"ah, ok."

"Are we playing some kinda 10 questions thing right now?"

"pretty much. i think i should ask questions first because you know almost everything about me."

"Ok. Ask away!"

"hmmmm.. hometown?"

"Ireland. (I know, I know, theory but it's believable..)"

I don't know how I'm answering these questions. I just know the answers.

"how do you not have an irish accent?"

"My parents are half chinese half american, they just moved to Ireland."

"how did you find mt. ebbot in the first place?"

"Well, the guys who kidnapped me took me to a cabin in the woods. It was pretty alright, but I dunno why they just kidnapped me."

"how long did you stay?"

"About 7 years.."

"what drove you to go?"

"Heheheh, well.. at first it was suicide because I really missed my parents but then I realized that they wouldn't want that for me. But I fell down anyway like someone pushed me down."

"how did you meet chara?"

"She appeared to me when it was my time to choose if I should continue or reset. She persuaded me that there was a better ending to this.I don't know why or how, but I actually trusted that lying brat... when I pushed the reset button, she possessed me. I could see all that she has done, but I couldn't control it. I heard what she was saying in my body. I heard her mischievious thoughts.. I.. I saw her kill you.. multiple times.."

"if she was possessing you, how did you go with eris?"

"In the void, she has no control over me. But every time I reset to make it right, she possesses me again. Eris was able to block her from possessing me this time, and I am thankful for that. I will never reset again. Not unless it is needed, like if something really very important goes wrong."

"mm.. ok. speaking of which, where is eris?"

"Probably watching over Papyrus.."

"do you wanna go back now?"


"and... last question.... do you like me?" Sans was blushing.

"Yeah! What's not to like about you?"

"i mean like-like me.. do you?"

"..." I just sat there.

"i.. i understand i-if you d-don't.. heh..it's not like i c-care-" A stray blue tear fell from his eyesocket.

I hugged Sans tightly.

"Of course I love you, Sans.. I always have ever since I saw you in the first timeline. Nothing will ever change that.."

"Thank you...." (You know shit is real when Sans' font goes uppercase.)

"For what?"

"For being so nice to a monster like me.. Heck I don't even deserve a girl like you.."

"Of course you do! You're sweet, caring for others.. You're funny but know when to be serious. You're always there for your friends and you'd sacrifice everything for your family. I can't possibly find another guy/monster just like you."

"Aww, thanks..." Sans blushed and looked out the window.

An echoing silence fills the atmosphere.

The monsters around us started clapping and cheering and 'aww'-ing. I realized we were sitting at the middle of the bar, so everyone heard the conversation. I even saw a monster take a picture of me and Sans hugging and show it to their friends.

"Okay, let's get out of here.. heheh.."

Sans grabbed my hand and we teleported to his house.



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