Chapter One

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Sky Fall (A Soul Eater Fan Fic)

Chapter One

The First Day at DWMA

Day Gone From Good to Bad?

Cleo takes a seat at one of the many desks in Professor Evans's room. She looks around. Everyone had a badge with either 'Weapon' or 'Meister' written on it. Her mother, Professor Maka Evans, was writing many lessons on the board to one side and in the middle was her name. A girl with red hair and blue eyes walks in and takes a seat next to Cleo. "You look like my Grandpa Spirit." Cleo wanted to say but she knew that wasn't a way to start a conversation, comparing them to her girl crazy grandfather. Cleo looks at her own badge. "Meister." She mumbles. She look at the girl with red hair. "Weapon." was written on the white badge. Kyoya Star, the only son of Black Star and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, flaunts in screaming. "I am Kyoya Star! I will surpass the gods! I am the strongest person in here! I am the best! Kneel bef-" Kyoya was cut off. "MAKA CHOP!" Maka Evans yells as she hits Kyoya on the head with a thick blue book. "Give the kid a break Maka. It's their first day here. Sheesh." Says Maka's husband, Soul 'Eater' Evans, who is ,also, Cleo's dad. "MAKA CHOP!" Maka yells again. She hit Soul on the head with the same blue book. "Ouch!" Soul mumbles as he rubs his head. "Maka! My precious child! My little angel! My princess! Oh and the demon boy." Spirit yells as he runs into the classroom. He hugs Maka tightly. "I'll show you a demon child....." Soul growls. He rolls up his sleeves. "DOUBLE MAKA CHOP!" Maka yells. She hits Spirit and Soul with thick, blue books. "Maka how can you hit your daddy like that!" Spirit whines as he falls to the ground sobbing. Maka ignores him and turns to the class. "Hello. My name is Professor Maka Evans. I will be your professor for the rest of the school year.". ~~~~~~~

"Bye Cleo!" Maka calls out after the white haired girl. Cleo's face turns bright red as Spirit and Soul blew kisses after her. Cleo hurries out the classroom with the words "DOUBLE MAKA CHOP!" Ringing through the hallway. She was running down the corridors in embarrassment. She crashes into another person walking. "O-oh. I'm so sorry!" Cleo stutters. She crawls on the floor picking up all her books. "Let me help." A voice says. A boy around her age brushes his hand against hers as they aim for the same book. She feels an electric like shock course through her body. "Weapon?" Cleo asks bluntly. "Yes. Meister?" The boy asks. He swipes his blonde hair aside. "Did you feel that?" The boy and girl ask at the same time. Cleo smiles. "You're my weapon!" Cleo exclaims as she gathers all her books. The boy helps her up. "You're my Meister!" The boy says in a not as excited but relieved voice. "My name is Cleo Evans." Cleo introduces herself. "I'm Tamaki Hiram." Tamaki says. "Glad to meet my new weapon." Cleo replies in a hearty tone. "Do you, maybe, wanna go get some coffee or something? Get to know each more. Like your mother said, study each other and try to learn each other's souls." Tamaki asks. He looks into Cleo's greenish, blueish eyes. "Sure. How about tonight. Around 7 or 8. 7:30 is fine actually. The coffee shop right outside of school okay?" Cleo plans. "Sounds like a date. I mean not a date date but a, um. Yeah..." Tamaki stutters as his face turns a bright shade of red. "See you tonight." Cleo says with a broad smile. She walks away.



I walk into the apartment I lived in with some other people from DWMA. It was Hikari, Prima, Crystal, and I in one big apartment. Kyoya, Prona, Azure, and Tamaki lived in two different apartments because Azure was being his obnoxious, symmetrical obsessive, OCD self. Only Prona and Tamaki could tolerate it, but Prona decided to stay with Kyoya Star because he was Kyoya's meister. I walk into my bedroom. Someone knocks on my door. "It's open!" I say as I set some of my books aside. "So. Who is your weapon Cleo. You never told us." Hikari says with a smile. She sits on the corner of my bed. "Tamaki. We were going to get to know each other. Soul wise." I reply as I gaze towards my closet. "It's a date!" Hikari squeals. Crystal and Prima come running in with different outfits. "No!" I exclaim as I jump up. "Come on Cleo. You know you want to wear this beautiful outfit." Crystal giggles.

*7:23 pm*


"This is ridiculous guys. Why can't I wear my boots. Or my sweatshirt. Or just a T-shirt?" I whine as the blouse I had on wrinkles under my slouched body. "Because. If Tamaki wanted it to be a date, you look great and if it isn't, it's not too much and it seems like you put no effort in it." Prima explains. I sigh. "Well I better head over then. I don't want to be late." I mumble. Crystal, Prima, and Hikari watch me leave as the squeal about who cute I look. I was at the shop. Tamaki was sitting at a table minding his own business. I tap his shoulder. "Hey I'm here." I say. Tamaki looks over his shoulder. "Bah!" He exclaims in shock. Did I look bad. It doesn't matter how I look. We're here to get used to each other and match soul wavelengths. As we were in a conversation about my mother's class, I hear a glass get knocked over. I look at where it fell and see a red ponytail. Hikari's red ponytail. "Let's go take a walk." I say. Tamaki holds the door open for me and we take off away from the shop and into the settling darkness. The moon hung high above us with a crooked smile on its face and some gooey looking red liquid between some of its teeth. I shudder. I felt another soul with us. A witch's soul. "Tamaki. Be careful. I sense a witch's soul." I whisper to Tamaki. "Change?" He asks. I nod. "Yes.". Tamaki turns into a pole figure with a medium sized moon shaped blade at the end and sharp spikes along the top area around the blade. It was just a little smaller than mom's weapon. "Oh. Looks like she's found me." A voice hisses. A woman with long silvery white hair, blue highlights, and ocean blue eyes says. "Who are you and what are you doing here in Death City?" I ask. "The question is. Who are you?" The woman hisses. "Ice Spike!" She yells. "Watch out." Tamaki exclaims. I jump up as an ice column with a sharp end pokes out the ground where I stood. I land on my feet, Tamaki in my tight grasp. "Ahh!" I scream as I run and attack. The woman puts up a shield of solid ice. I push against it harder. Sparks start to fly. "Grahhh!" I yell as I hit the shield once more. "Your futile attempts are nothing. A level one meister with no control over her weapon. Ha! Pathetic!" The woman sneers. She shoots ice daggers at me and Tamaki. I flip out the way and swing Tamaki. I hit the woman. "What is you're name?" I yell as I swing over and over. The woman jumps out the way over and over. "Aquaria." Aquaria answers before vanishing. A shard of ice laid on the ground. Tamaki changes back into his human form. He stomps the piece of ice. It shatters. "Bastard." He mumbles before stalking off. I run after him. "We did pretty good." I say quietly as I shuffle uncomfortably in my black blouse. Tamaki doesn't say anything. He looks up into the moonlight. He makes a left turn in the empty streets. "Goodnight Cleo." Tamaki says. He starts to turn away. "Good job today." He says as soon as I entered the apartment. "You too." I reply. I head into my room and lay on my bed. Eventually, I fall into a restless sleep.

*Next Day*

*Professor Evans room*


I walk slowly into my mom's classroom. It was way too early for classes to begin but mom was at her desk with books littering every corner. "Mom?" I ask as I pull up a chair by her desk. "Yes Cleo?" Maka asks. She puts her book aside and looks up. "I ran into a witch yesterday. Aquaria." I say bluntly. Mom gasps. "What happened? Did she hurt you?" She rambles. "Tamaki was there and we attacked together but she was too strong for just a beginner meister.". "It Tamaki okay? He wasn't hurt or anything right?" Mom asks. She looked pale. I knew why. "Yes mom. Both of us are fine. Tamaki stood his ground as did I." I tell her. "I don't want you out by yourself anymore." Mom tells me. I nod. "Bye mom!" I say in a cheerier tone. I walk out the classroom to find Hikari, Crystal, and Prima.

*Maka Evans*

As soon as Cleo left, I locked up my classroom and rushed to Death's office. I breathe on the mirror to fog it up. "42-42-564 whenever you want, knock on Death's door." I say while writing the numbers in the mirror. Death appears. "Oh hey Maka!" He says in a cheerful voice. "Shinigami-shama. We have a problem. Aquaria has returned."

*******************************AUTHOR'S NOTE

Hey guys. Soul Eater fan fic here. I watched the whole series on Netflix and fell in love with it so I decided to make a story!! sorry if I got any facts wrong it has been a while (at least three complete series of anime later) and I just bought the first manga (which I won't buy anymore. Saving money to get the OHSHC manga). Hope you enjoy this story. Feedback on the first chapter please. It's up to you (the reader of course xD) whether I continue this one or try my luck on a different story!! Lots of love and kisses for my little Souls (need a name for you readers. Help me think of one or is this one okay??).


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