Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Havoc Strikes

Professors Marie and Maka Gone?


"So we'll set up a test just for these students. They have to use their strengths to find me and Professor Marie. Soul will be observing, making sure Stein doesn't get out of control with Spirit." I say proudly. "Are you sure this will even work?" Soul says. He pulls up a chair and sits in it backwards. One leg dangling on either side of the back of a chair. "Of course! You see how we did when Death did the same thing. Remember? I used Witch Hunter but it failed and then you threw yourself over me so Stein wouldn't hurt me." I ramble. "I would do no such thing." Stein mumbles. He pushes his glasses up. His hand reaches up and turns the bolt in his head. Click click click. "So. Is it a plan or not?" I ask slightly irritated at their non attentive looks. Soul glances at me before motioning to Marie to answer. "Well. You see. Um. Well....." Marie starts. "I think it's a stupid idea. Where are you going to hide, Maka? Are you going ti be safe? Daddy is going to worry about you!" Spirit exclaims as he hugs me tightly. "MAKA CHOP!" I yell. I pull out a blue book and hit Spirit on the head. "Ouchy." Spirit whines like a kid. "So. Yes or no?" i ask again. Everyone glances at each other then back at me. Professor Franken Stein answers. So it is decided.....

*Third Person Point of View*

Cleo, Hikari, and Prima walk into class last. "Hello Professor Ma-" Hikari starts but stops mid sentence. She looks at a note on the board. "Wha-What happened!?" Cleo exclaims. She runs up to the board and reads the letter. "M-Maka and Marie were kidnapped!?" Prima yells. Azure claps a hand over Prima's mouth. "Not so loud!" Azure hisses. He let's Prima go. "We cant tell Shinigami-shama because Maka and Marie will die. Scratch that. We can't tell ANYONE or Maka and Marie will die." Kyoya says. He didn't make this better. Cleo lets out a little whimper. "Ikou Ze.".

*One Hour Later*

The kids left early into Death City, venturing out into unknown and dangerous territory. "Do you think Mom and Marie will be okay?" Cleo asks. She held the hand of Tamaki without even knowing. Tamaki felt her tremble as they continued walking. Azure lead the way since he had a shinigami body that would be less vulnerable to attacks. "We'll bring them back, okay." Hikari says gently. She changed her hand into a part of her weapon form and swiped at branches. The circle engulfs in flames and snaps the twigs. They fall silently. "Mmfph!". "Who did that?" Kyoya says. He snaps his head around. "MMMFM!". Someone exclaims. It sounded as if he or she was gagged. "It came from there!" Azure says. He takes off running. The rest of the group follow pursuit. "Professor Maka! Professor Marie!" Crystal yells. She runs towards the professors who were tied up. "Crystal! No!" Prima yells. It was too late. A man with a white lab coat hits Crystal with a green force from his hands. "Professor Stein!" Prona yells. "Azure! Ready?" Prima asks. "Yes." Azure says. Prima runs to Azure and transforms. She lands safely in Azure's grasp. "Stein!" Azure screams. He attacks Franken Stein. Stein deflects his attack and swings his black scythe. It hits Azure. The hit makes him and Prima go flying. Azure hits a wall and slumps down, a thin green current circling him. "Come on Hikari. Kyoya you too!" Crystal exclaims. She glances at Cleo and mouths "You too.". Cleo grabs Tamaki. He changes into his weapon form. "Kyoya! Ninja Star Mode!" Prona exclaims. Kyoya changes into a silver ninja star. Prona shoots Kyoya at Stein who was busy handling Hikari and Crystal. Cleo was waiting for the right time to jump in and strike. "But don't kill him. He is our professor. Death will have to handle him." Tamaki tells Cleo. His face appeared on the blade of the weapon. Crystal strikes down on Stein but he catches the flaming ball. Stein senses the other weapon approaching him. With a simple hand swipe, Kyoya goes flying into the wall, hitting the right side of his body. Azure wakes up. "G-Go Azure." Kyoya mumbles. His eyes close but his breath remained coming out in short wisps. Azure swings Prima. The blade makes contact with Stein's scythe. "Careful Stein." A voice says through the black scythe. It was Spirit. "Spirit!" Cleo exclaims.


I never saw Grandpa Spirit's weapon form before. It was amazing but why was he helping Stein! Why would he do that? Maka is his daughter! I'm his granddaughter! Surely he wouldn't hurt me! Right? "Cleo! Snap out of it! Everyone is dropping like flies! They need you!" Tamaki exclaims. I look up. Sure enough everyone was laying on the floor with a thin green electrical wire thing encircling their body. "Tamaki! Soul Resonance!" I yell. "Soul Resonance!" We scream together. Our souls combine into one. Tamaki changes into a double sided bladed weapon. The blade on both sides was similar to my mother's Genie Hunter blade. I strike down on Stein. He uses Spirit to block the hit. "Grahhh!" I yell as I swing again and again. Stein uses Spirit to block each hit. "Stein!" Spirit exclaims. Stein looks at Spirit. He mumbles something to him and them drops the black scythe. Nows my chance! I strike Stein again. He catches the blade between both of his hands. A creepy smile appears in his face. He turns the bolt on his head. Click...Click...Click...Click...Click... Stein pushes his glasses up, a glare covers his eyes. He knocks me aside. "I think I'll dissect you first." Stein says. I scoot backwards despite the pain. Tamaki was sent flying beside Maka and Marie. Someone throws themselves over me. "I'm not letting you hurt my friend you crazy professor. You are better than this!". It was Prima. Her long, pink hair waves in the wind. Her silver eyes full of a determined look. Stein smiles and claps his hands. "This is just what happened with Maka. Good job." Stein says. Spirit changes back into his human form. "How could you let him almost kill us!?" I yell at Grandpa Spirit. I point a finger at him and glare. Spirit looks at me shocked. I huff and walk to Maka. "And you mother! Huh. We could've died. WE COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT!" I yell. Maka undoes the ropes with the help of Marie. "I'll be heading back to Death City." I say before stalking off. "Cleo! Wait!" Someone calls. I jump down the mountain, running faster and faster.


Cleo took off running. Maka shakes her head. "It was a test to see how strong you were growing. Stein knew his and everyone's limit so he just hit you hard enough to shock you but not damage you. I made sure no one was to get hurt." Maka explains. Soul comes up to Maka and nods. "I was here just in case Stein did go any further and tried to hurt anyone." Soul said. "I'll go look for Cleo." I say. Hikari grabs my hand. "Be careful Tamaki." She mumbles before letting me go. I was far away from the others now. "Cleo!" I yell loudly. A twig snaps in the distance. "Cleo?" I ask as I snap my head around. Hiss. I look forward again. A snake made of water looks at me. It bared its fangs of ice as I slithered around me. I watch it move around me, slithering and hissing. The snake turns away. I was beginning to walk away when the snake sinks it's fangs into my shoulder. I rip the snake off and keep walking, determined to find Cleo before anything bad happens.


I found myself lost in the woods. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I mumble over and over. First off, if trouble arose, I couldn't fight it successfully without Tamaki. Second, no way in hell was I able to maneuver the woods with someone leading me, what made me think I could do it alone! Finally, it was getting dark and every twig snapping scared me slightly. I hear someone call my name. I go running at the source. Tamaki was standing in a small clearing, leaning against a tree. I smile and walk over to him. "Tamaki!" I exclaim and hug him. Never in my whole life was I so happy to see him. I feel a pain in my stomach. I let Tamaki go and look down. A silver moon blade stabbed my abdomen. I let out a piercing scream as the blade turns sideways and goes deeper into my stomach. "Tamaki." I whisper before slipping out of consciousness.

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