Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

We're All Back Together

New Promises to Keep?


I groan and open my eyes slowly. The light was dull and I liked it. It didn't hurt my eyes. I sit up in bed. Wait a minute.. Bed? I look around. Prona and Azure were asleep on the ground. There was a small window and by the view I had of outside, it was pretty early in the morning. "How are you?" A small voice asks. I look around. "Huh?.. Who's there?" I ask. I look around again. "I'm right here." The voice sounded like Dio's voice. I look down on my stomach. There was a small (what looked to be) gerbil with blonde fur and purple/silver eyes. "D-Dio?" I mumble, slightly scared. I did not know the two could shape-shift as well.... Was it a witch thing? But Mako isn't a witch. Nor Blaire. The gerbil (I mean Dio) snaps me out of my thoughts. "Yes it's me.... Are you feeling OK?" His voice sounded like a whisper. I nod. "Yeah... I'm okay..." I whisper back. The little creature seem to look back up at me with a smile. "That's good to hear... The others are still asleep so just rest for a little bit longer... Are you hungry?" He was still whispering but at least I knew why now. "Not really... I'll go back to sleep. Goodnight Dio.." I whisper back. He nods. I blink my eyes and he was gone. In the bed next to me, I saw two small figures on top of Mako. They weren't gerbils. From my spot, I saw two little butterflies with elegant gold and silver markings on their wings. One had pink color fill ins where the designs had a space left and the other had purple color. 'They can change into more animals?..... That's pretty weird....'

"Pr-Prima...... Pri....Prima......" A voice mutters. I look down. Prona was still asleep but he was tensed up. His jaw was clenched tightly and his hands were balled up so tight his knuckles were white. A nightmare? I reach a hand down and shake his shoulder slightly. He opens his eyes slowly and looks up. "Prima!" He whisper exclaims. He jumps up and envelopes me in a tight embrace. I laugh slightly. "Oh Prima.... I'm so glad you're better.... Don't scare me like that again...." He mumbles into my shoulder while petting my hair. "Is he crying?" I think. I look over at Prona. Salty, wet tears raced down his face. I hold him tighter. "I.. I don't know what happened... But it's all okay now Prona...." I mutter, rubbing his back softly. He lets me go. "Y-You don't remember?" He asks. I shake my head no. He lets out a little sigh. "It's better if you didn't anyway..... Why don't you go back to sleep.... We'll discuss this more later." He says. I nod. "Goodnight Prima." Prona says. He kisses the top of my head softly. I smile slightly and hug him. "Goodnight....." I whisper, closing my eyes. He lets me go, gently setting my head on the pillow. He slinks back down to his little spot down beside my bed. I close my eyes again and feel myself drift off into a dreamless sleep.


I feel a little tingle in my head. Like a little flutter or a tickle. I open my eyes. Twelve souls (including my own) were brightly lit in my eyes. "Twelve.... But.. There are thirteen with us...." I think. I tear myself away from Tamaki screaming. "Mako!" I hear my voice echo in my ears as I push my way over to his bed. My breathing was fast as my eyes scan the bed. Mako was laid down, his chest moving slowly but noticeably. I sigh and look around. Nobody else seemed to be awake from my outburst except Tamaki who had his arms clamped around me tightly. "H-Hey.... Tsukumo stepped out again.... It's okay...." He mutters, his voice sounding dreary and tired. I sigh and nod.

"Go... Gomen.... I just... I thought that...."

"You thought that I had given up? That I had left without fighting? That I died without apologizing?"

"N-No! Of.... Of course not! I knew you'd hold on be-..... Mako!" Tamaki lets me go and I dash over to Mako. "I'm stupid.... And I broke the promise... And I got hurt.... And I made you worry..... I'm sorry Cleo-chan...." Mako mutters. His hair seemed gold-er than before. The gold creep up to half strands instead of just the tips. And his eyes shimmered with a glassy cover of ... Can you guess it?... Gold. A little animal scampers up onto the bed and on Mako's chest. I squeak and jump back, Tamaki catching me before I tripped. It looked like .... A little rat. No a hamster. Like a dwarf hamster. With shaggy blonde hair and purple/silver eyes. "Glad to see you awake Mako... How are you?" Dio asks. Mako smiles softly. "I'm better.... Arigatou for everything.... I could've died if your sister had never healed me." He says, his voice still quiet. "It was nothing okay... Consider it a favor..." Dio says. Mako smiles. "Well Tsukumo won't be returning until later today.... She needs to recheck on both you and Prima before letting you leave." The little hamster squeaks. I shake my head. "Dio.... Can I talk to you for a minute?" Tamaki asks. He untangled himself from me and walks over to Mako and Dio. Dio jumps off of Mako and onto the floor. He slowly transforms into his regular form and follows Tamaki. I tried to follow him but Tamaki shooed me away and mouthed "Stay with Mako.". I nod and walk back over to Mako's bed. "Cleo..." He mutters, reaching a hand up and brushing his thumb agaisnt my cheek. "Shh... It's okay Mako... Just relax okay." I say. He nods his head. "Cleo... Can I kiss you?" He asks blantly. I turn red. "i uh... Ma-Mako.... You... You know I'm with Tamaki...." I mutter, my voice shaky and faltering. Mako smiles and looks around. "But he isn't here..." He mutters. "Mako.. What do you take me as!? I will not cheat on Tamaki.. Im sorry Mako but that's that.... Good night..." I lean over and pat his head before walking off to the little corner Tamaki and I had. I could still see the smirk playing on his face even with my back turned to him. I sigh. "What has gotten into him?" I think as I lay down and cover myself with the blanket.

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