Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The Reunion and the Arrival

Memories to Share?

*Third Person*

Dio glances around. "You guys stay here." He commands. Dio disappears in the shadows as he sneaks to the door. "H-Help.... M-Me...." A voice rings through the house. "Mako!" Cleo exclaims. She, as well as Tamaki, Hikari, and Crystal, rush to the sound of his voice. A bruised and cut boy was leaned against the heavy metal door at the entrance of the old building. He looks over at the people approaching him. "Oh my god Mako!" Cleo cries, grabbing him tightly. Mako winces but holds Cleo. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Mako mutters, his hands shaking as he grasped the girl. "Oh my god. I'm going to kill you Mako. I'm going to kick the gold out of your hair. I hate you so much........ I'm glad you're alive" Cleo cries, her face buried in Mako's chest and her hands balling up the front of Mako's shirt. "I'm so sorry... The promise..." Mako's body goes slack against Cleo. He wasn't moving. "Mako!" Crystal yells. Dio rushes over, shocked and scared. "Please help him!" Hikari pleads. Tamaki grabs Mako, draping the white haired boy over his shoulder and carries him to the infirmary. "When is Tsukumo coming back?" Hikari asks. "I-I don't know. I.. She has some bandages.. Not much.." Dio mutters, going to a run down shelf full of different bottles, bandages, wraps, and pills. "Okay. Lay Mako on that bed. We'll tend to him as best as we can while waiting for Tsukumo." Dio says. Tamaki gently lays Mako down on the bed. Hikari and Cleo walk over to where Dio was and help him choose out the supplies. Crystal and Tamaki slip the ripped black shirt Mako had on, off, leaving his wounds exposed. He had sharp talon markings down his back and arms. His neck was a red color, hands printed on it as though he was choked. His face had a long scar from his temple to just above his chin. His hair wasn't even white and gold anymore. It was a blood soiled white and the gold seemed to disappear under the heavily coated dried red liquid. Dio, Hikari, and Cleo hurry back with an abundance of various supplies. "Here. It's just some disinfectants. We need these so we won't infect his wounds even more." Hikari says, giving everyone around Mako a squirt of some jelly looking substance. "The rest of you can rest. Feel free to use any of the beds. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask." Dio states, glancing over at Azure, Haru, Ash, Kyoya, and Prona. They nod and back up away from Mako and the others and kinda huddle together, whispering amongst each other. "Okay... Lets start with this." Cleo murmurs, taking a bottle with a murky brown liquid inside. Dio hands her a cotton padding and Cleo pours the peroxide on the cloth. When it touched the wounds, the wounds foamed up with white bubbles. It seemed to disgust Crystal, she had taken a step back and looked away, but Tamaki, Hikari, and Dio followed pursuit and started cleaning and disinfecting other cuts and scrapes Mako had.


By the time Tsukumo had returned, Mako was bandaged and covered with blankets. "What happened here!" Tsukumo exclaims, dropping the bags she had in her arms. "My friend came here. He was wounded and injured but... But I think he's fine now." Cleo says, glancing over at the bloody rags. "I need to check on him and Prima." Tsukumo says. She walks over to Prima and grabs her arm tightly with her hands. She takes a deep breathe and closes her eyes. She opens her eyes. Instead if being an amber color, they were glowing a golden, silvery color like a broken kaleidoscope with all the colors spilling out. "She's healing well.." Tsukumo says. She walks over to Mako, doing the same. Her face screwed up in agony. She fell to her knees, clutching her stomach and chest. Her breathing was fast and it sounded painful. "H-his... His ribs... Are broken... His throat.. Bru-bruised... I-I don't... Don't know.... Know how he's alive..." Tsukumo says with jagged breathing and panting. She sighs and pushes herself back up. She places one hand over the other. "Lunar Eclipse!"Tsukumo shouts. A black orb enters into Mako. His veins turn black. His stomach, chest, and neck were glowing a (if it was even possible) darker black color around the veins. Tsukumo steadies her hands and closes her eyes. She takes a shaky breath. It seemed as though time had stopped. Everyone was frozen in their tracks. No one moved. No one was breathing. No one made a sound.


It seemed like an eternity until Tsukumo finally finished tending to Mako. She sighs and takes a seat. "Thank you so much Tsukumo. How can we repay you? There has to be something you need or want?" Tamaki says, glancing over at Prona who had slept beside Prima's bed as well as Azure who was leaning against the bed on the ground right beside Prona. Haru and Ash had shared a bed so the girls could each get their own. Kyoya had taken up the last blanket and small pillow. Tamaki and Cleo were still awake and talking to Tsukumo who was sitting on a wooden chair. Dio was standing beside Tsukumo, his silver/purple eyes looking dreary and tired. "Dio... You should go to sleep... I can handle things here." Tsukumo whispers. "No. You go rest. You went through a lot. I'll wake you if anything happens.." Dio says, rubbing his sister's back softly. She nods and stands up. "Good night... I will check up on the two tomorrow morning." Tsukumo mutters. She walks out the room. "Thanks for the offer but just think of it as a favor.." Dio says, smiling at the two. "We can't just leave it like that." Cleo starts but Dio cuts her off. "I suggest you two get some sleep as well. If Prima and Mako are not healed by tomorrow, we all will have some work cut out for us though Tsukumo's remedies and powers never fail so there is a slim chance of that happening." Dio says, clapping his hands together softly. Tamaki nods. "But-" Cleo was cut off once more. "We can resume tomorrow. When everyone is awake." And with that, Dio walked off. Cleo leans her head on Tamaki's shoulder. A tear falls down her face. "Why us... Is this how mom felt?" She thinks. Tamaki wraps his arms around Cleo tightly, embracing her. "Let's go to sleep now." He murmurs, nudging his face in the crook of her neck. She nods her head. Tamaki leads Cleo to a little corner on the opposite side of Kyoya. Cleo curls up against Tamaki as the two lay down. "Rest easy now. Everything will be better tomorrow okay." Tamaki tells Cleo. She nods solemnly. "Goodnight."







I Hope you Souls enjoy and I look forward to incorporating all my good and very plot twisting ideas! Please tell me what you guys think of this chapter!! Hope you guys enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!


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