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new message from harefoodna!

harefoodna: paul?

his heart skipped beat, reading his name that was texted by george over and over again. he became anxious, and began to think of what to say.

mccartp64: i missed you.

was all he managed to say, because it was true. all he could think about was missing george. his george.

harefoodna: ringo told me what happened, and not to say you're lying and all but i have no idea who managed to text you. when i got my phone back before i knew you blocked me, my messages had been all wiped out and i had to log back in.

mccartp64: you must've been hacked, but by whom possibly?

harefoodna: maybe a girl i know named pattie, she likes me and has ever since she's met me.

mccartp64: are you sure though?

harefoodna: reckon she did. i trusted her one time with the password to getting me food in me refrigerator (i don't know 😂😂, i feel like george would hella do that though lmao) since i don't trust people with my food and the only people with the password and tells me gets the food and she used to be mean to girls who tried chatting me up. hint: tried. paul, i'm not into birds.

mccartp64: i know, you're queer.

harefoodna: not what you said to ringo.

mccartp64: i thought you may have been kidding about the gay thing we spoke about for some reason.

harefoodna: well i am. but why did you even care about blocking me if i mean nothing to you?

mccartp64: you're my friend, joj. you do mean something to me. i take my time to speak to you, even when i'm busy with my family and other people or at college school.

harefoodna: you're a good friend, paul.

mccartp64: thanks, georgie. you are too. you're me best mate in the world.

harefoodna: that makes me happy, paulie.

good friend.. good friend..
it echoed in his mind like a person shouting in an tunnel that extended miles away.

mccartp64: george? i have to go with my friend for bit, but i'll be back.

he's lying. he's going to cry.

harefoodna: don't have too much fun without me :/

mccartp64: i definitely won't

tears blurred his eyes now.

harefoodna has left the chat

he's crying now.

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