[1,1] Melanie

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 For Just Be an Author by @WarpedCoriolis

I fluffed my hair. I reapplied my lip gloss. I thought I looked perfect. So perfect.

My heels clacked on the typical school floor of neutral tile as I shoved the bathroom door open ahead of me. My two best friends' heels clicked to the right and left of me as we made our way down the hall. Groups of kids parted - more like scrabbled - to let us through without disturbance. But there were two girls who didn't. The same two.

Step aside Jeanette. I placed one hand on my very obviously popped hip and gave the brown haired girl a glare. Georgia and Lanie gave her the same look.

There's a whole hall. You can go around. The blonde girl spoke up.

I snapped my pink bubble gum obnoxiously. I was already walking in the middle. I'm not going to move for a lowlife like you.

Jeanette looked at me. She seemed to be taking in all the makeup I spend hours every morning applying. She looked at my skimpy trendy outfit. Can you believe Ashley that she thinks she's better than us simply because she wears what's in says what's in and has her two little followers backing up everything she say. Jeanette got in my face with her last words. Why don't you find someone...who cares.

I stared back at Jeanette but I knew her and Ashley weren't putting up with any more crap. I didn't let her see I was defeated though.

Let's go girls this is a waste of our time. We walked past the two and the noise of the hallway resumed. Lanie shoved Jeanette's shoulder as she went by and her and Georgia laughed rudely.

I wanted to look back at the girls give them a sympathetic look mouth an apology. But I kept walking. I had my two best friends by my side. To them I was unstoppable.

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