An Unexpected Gift

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For Fireworks by @disturbs

"Come on in, guys!"

Alexa greeted us as we stood on her doorstep. She ushered the three of us inside.

I was convinced to draw a name for the Secret Santa party by my best friends, Sophie and Sarah. I didn't know many of the other kids who were supposed to be there, so I hadn't really been looking forward to the party. But, hey, it might be ok.

I followed Sophie and Sarah down the hallway, towards the loud chatter and presumably the family room. When we reached the family room and kitchen where everyone was hanging out, Alexa took the gifts we brought and disappeared around the corner.

I took a seat on the couch and looked at the other people that had shown up. I knew some of the guys and girls relatively well; some of them I saw around school.

I was content to watch and listen to other people talk with each other, and my friends knew that, so they joined some of our other friends at the other end of the room.

I got up and went into the kitchen to pour myself a drink. I stood there for a moment, sipping my lemonade, when I heard the doorbell. I wondered dismissively who it would be. I was lost in my own world when, a minute later, my answer walked in. It was Steven Oakley. I nearly spit out my lemonade. Alexa disappeared around the corner again and Steven was left standing in the doorway. He looked around at the other partygoers and noticed me in the kitchen, standing there like a fool with my cup halfway to my lips, my eyes trained on him. He smiled and started walking towards me. I managed to make my mouth smile back at him, while my mind moved a mile a minute trying to figure out what I should say. I casually took a sip of my drink - at least I hope it looked casual - and said, "Hey. So, do you know who your Secret Santa is?"

I actually knew for a fact that his Secret Santa was Sarah.

"No clue," he replied. "You?"

"Me either." I shook my head.

Steven poured himself some cola.

"I guess it'll be a surprise then."

He gave me a smile like he knew something I didn't. He then picked up his drink and walked to the family room to join his friends on one of the couches.

"I know, right? It was supposed to be forty dollars but I got it half off! Ouch!"

Sophie let out a squeal that was more from irritation then pain. I pulled her a little ways away from the other girls by her arm.

"Steven is here!"

"Didn't you remember? That's partly why I wanted you to come."

Sophie knew I had liked Steven Oakley since basically middle school. But I was usually too chicken to talk to him. He was also the sort of guy that a lot of girls liked to fawn over because...he was gorgeous.

I looked over at him on the couch. He was smiling and having a good time.

"Should I talk to him?"


"He probably thinks I'm an antisocial weirdo."

"But you're not."

I looked at Sophie. "Maybe he doesn't know that."

Right then, Alexa got onto a chair. "Hey guys, how about we open our Secret Santa gifts now?" she called out above the din of chatter.

Everyone let out a cheerful "Yeah!"


When everyone was seated in the family room, Alexa brought the presents in and began to pass them out. They were all shapes, sizes, and weight. Many shook their presents as soon as the received them, but some, like me, sat calmly to wait instruction.

When all of the presents were passed out, Alexa asked, “So, who wants to go first?”

Sarah’s hand shot in the air.

One by one, everyone got a chance to open their presents, ooh and ahh, and make a guess at their Secret Santa. Sarah got one of those hat-scarves with mittens on the bottom. She didn’t guess her Secret Santa, but it turned out to be a girl in her history class. Sophie got a flowered tea mug from a boy she liked to joke around with. The girl whose name I drew, Alex, loved the CD I got her. Steven was happily surprised with the GameStop gift card he got from Sarah. I smiled at his apparent glee.

It was finally my turn. I carefully unwrapped the gift and let out a gasp when I saw what it was.

“This is my favorite book,” I said softly. It was a hardback edition of The Hobbit. It had maps, illustrations; the works. I looked around at the others. Many looked curiously at the book, some looked blankly back at me. When I looked at Steven, he seemed to be battling to hold in a smirk. I tilted my head.

“Was it you?” I asked him. Steven nodded.

“Thank you so, so much,” I grinned. “How did you know?”

Was that a faint blush on his cheeks?

“I noticed you reading the paperback in class, and it looked pretty beat up. I thought you might need a new copy.” He shrugged.

“This is amazing. Thank you.” I couldn’t stop smiling. The circle resumed and we were on to the next gift. I didn’t pay much attention to what everyone else got, I was so enraptured with the beautiful book in front of me, from the beautiful boy.


It became late, and everyone was beginning to leave. Sophie, Sarah, and I said our goodbyes and told Alexa thanks. We were stepping off the porch when I heard Steven.

“Georgia, wait!”

Slightly startled, I stopped and turned around to wait for him to catch up. Sophie and Sarah looked at each other with a giggle and continued to the car to give us privacy.


“Hey.” Steven looked a little unsure of what to say. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he spoke.

“You know, I was wondering if, maybe, you know…you might want to hang out when school starts again?”

Rubbing the back of his neck, he let out the last of the words in a rush. After a moment, I realized what was going on. Steven. Oakley. Asked. Me. To hang out. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I looked back at the car where Sarah and Sophie were, no doubt, watching us.

“I would like that,” I finally came out with. I smiled. “I would really like that.”

Steven smiled too. “Cool,” he said. “I guess I’ll see you later?”

“Ya, I’ll see you later.”

I waved to him and forced myself to walk, not run, to my waiting friends.

“What did he say to you?” Sophie screeched the second I slid into the backseat.

Both of my friends looked at me eagerly. I smiled.

“Just answering a Christmas wish.”


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