[1, 3] My Girl

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Name: Melanie Alexandria Polk

Gender: I AM WOMAN

Age: 17

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 125

Appearance: Well, I'm beautiful, of course. But I work hard at it. My hair is honey blonde with platinum blonde highlights, layered, and shoulder length. It's naturally strawberry blonde, but really? No one likes a redhead. My eyes are green, and my skin is always nicely tanned. My nose is perfect {after the nose job I got} and my lips are both plump and well shaped. I generally wear pink lip-gloss, pink blush, brown eyeliner, nude eye shadow, and mascara. I'm tall and thin, but I also have curves for days.

I only wear what looks good, so usually low cut shirts and tight skirts that'll keep the boys' attention.. I like dresses and skirts most of all, and pastel colors. I generally wear heels every day, whether to school or the store. All of my purses are Coach, Prada, or Michael Khors. What else would they be?

Personality: Melanie's life revolves around image. Since junior high, she has strived to maintain that she's the most beautiful, most thin, most sought after. In the beginning, she wanted people to like her. She wanted them to think she was cool. But as time wore on, as she fell further and further on the food chain, she just wanted to be the top. Having friends she liked became nothing if people thought she was a loser. So she started dressing with trends, dressing to make you ask where her mother's at. She began treating people like they were the trash, like putting them down would bring her up. And it did. Melanie never had the heart to be cruel to people, but now she can't help herself. It's become a habit. But if you catch her in the right moment, she could be so kind. She might forget herself for a moment and become someone you could love.

She never lets anyone truly get close to her. She has two best friends that think they know her, but all they know is what she chooses to show them. Melanie, on the inside, is just a scared little girl. She feels like she's weird, the real her, and she hides it. She really likes to watch geeky things like Star Trek and to game, and she also likes to be alone and read. To her family, she's one thing, to the rest of the world, she's another.

Melanie has dated half of the school between junior high and high school. She only has a boyfriend, of course, to demonstrate her status. The only difference is, she'll date anyone with at least a middle status in the hierarchy, like the skaters. She goes as far as he wants to. She's afraid people will talk. The truth is, Melanie would rather set boundaries. The truth is, she would rather just be alone.

History: Melanie was born October 13, 1987. Her parents were young, but they did and still do love each other very much. She had a normal childhood growing up with her younger sister. They fought,  played, grew together, visited family. Their grandmother died when Melanie was in fourth and her sister was in first grade. Melanie was deeply upset, as she was close to her Nana, but she moved on with her life. When Melanie was in fifth grade, her parents adopted a little boy who was three. The family seemed more full, more busy. Melanie spent less time with her parents and more with her sister. She wasn't upset, it happened. By the time Melanie's 'behavior issues' began, she felt estranged from her parents. She didn't know how to get herself out of the hole she was digging, but she couldn't ask them for help. Now in high school, she's close to her whole family again. But in this grave she's dug herself, she's afraid to tell them what she's become.

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