Nest Egg

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For Marshmallow.

I definitely didn’t want to be there. I mean, duh I like pizza, but I don’t like when Ella drags me along with everyone because: “Elias totally likes you! I mean, at least as a friend, but maybe more! Definitely maybe more!” I always told her that I didn’t want to date anyone else but she said a year was long enough. I needed a new man.

This week it was Ella and I, two of our other friends, and you, of course. Ella chose the second best pizza joint in town, hoping it wouldn’t be quite so crowded at nine pm, but we still ended up crowding into one booth. Ella made sure you and I were squished in the middle together.

You were always so nice to me, even when I was rude to you. I think that made me resist liking you even more. I was a grouch that evening, but you continued to include me in conversation and even smiled at me when we talked. Even so, I was surprised when you invited me to join everyone at your house afterward for a couple of movies. I probably would have said no if it weren’t for the look Ella was giving me across the table.


“Knock it off, would you?”

Ella had been fussing over my clothes for the past ten minutes. She kept muttering, “Well, you have to look cute. I mean, you want to look cute, but not like you tried super hard kind of cute. Sort of careless.” Clara seemed to agree with her and gave her suggestions on how to dress me up.

“Put her hair in a messy ponytail. It’s cuter than a messy bun and not as overdone. Then her makeup has to be really light. But definitely make her eyes pop…”

“Seriously guys, it doesn’t matter how I look. Were just going to be watching a couple of movies.” I tried to shoo them away from my face.

“Um,” Clara put her hand on her hip and gave me the look that said, “You must be outta your mind if you think this is about the movie.”

Ella added a few words of her own. “It totally does matter. Elias is going to be there and no matter what you say, he does like you. As your friend, I am not going to let you let that opportunity slip away.”

I sighed and shook my head. “Whatever you say, Ella.” At least the clothes she gave me to borrow were really comfy. Yellow sweats, a baby blue tank top, and pink fuzzy socks. Perfect to curl up with a movie in. And with Elias. That little voice in my head was whispering to me again. The little voice that usually made me rethink things.


You looked so happy to see us girls when you saw us on the doorstep. “C’mon in guys,” you said. “Me and Travis are waiting in the living room.”

Ella nudged me forward and we formed a pack behind you. We followed you into the living room where you had already put in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and gotten snacks and blankets ready. Clara sat down on the loveseat with Travis and Ella pulled me onto the couch in between you and her. Of course.

No one spoke much as you started the movie and we watched Captain Jack embark on his escapades. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I woke up two-thirds of the way through the movie with my head on your shoulder. “Sorry.” I muttered. I sat up and shifted so I was sitting a bit closer to Ella. Looking around, I noticed everyone had been asleep except for you.

“It’s ok,” you said, glancing at me. “I didn’t mind.”

It may have been pretty dark in the room, but I know you must have seen how brightly I blushed. “I guess this was a pretty busy Friday for everyone,” I hurriedly interjected.

I could have sworn you blushed as you turned back the screen, no doubt for the way I smoothed over your comment. “I suppose so…” you murmured.

I held my breath when I heard the pause in your voice. It’s about you. He’s either going to reject you or confess his undying affections for you. I mentally groaned.

“I like you a lot, Ivy. I was hoping maybe we could hang out sometime. Just us,” You said softly, not looking away from the screen.

At that moment, a lot of different things I could say went through my head. What I ultimately chose was: “Well, I wish you wouldn’t!” I realized that was the wrong thing to say once the words left my mouth. I wished you wouldn’t like me because I didn’t want things to be any harder than they already were. But judging by the look on your face, that wasn’t something you already knew.

“I mean…” I trailed off. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before taking a deep breath and starting again. “I wish you wouldn’t like me because like you too. But I’m not ready to go out with anyone yet. I know everyone wants us to date and everything, and I know Ella’s really counting on it, but I just can’t. I hope that’s something you can understand…” I paused. “But I really do like you, Elias.”

You listened to me and after a moment, Elias, you smiled such a happy smile. “That is something I can understand,” you replied. “And that’s ok. For now, I can stand to be just friends with you. And when you’re ready, I can stand to be more than friends.”

I smiled. “I’m glad we both understand each other. We just have to hope Ella understands us too.”


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