And Found

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(Sesshomaru's POV)

I inhaled deeply.

"Mi'Lord! Have you found something?" Jaken asks with enthusiasm but I don't reply.

I followed the scent, it was of blood. Human blood. But among the blood and death there was another scent which was becoming hard to stay away from. Though I have no interest in these vile human creatures, I was intrigued and curious. As I drew in closer to the scent I could see a village burnt down with the lifeless bodies of humans.

There must have been a raid. How degrading, killing such weaklings for sport.

"Mi'Lord! I've found a survivor... um- I- um- think..." Jaken was pointing at a seemingly lifeless body. It was a young human female, her body was covered in bruises, scars and blood. She was attacked, but she somehow was the only one to escape into the forest. Her lifeless body was where that irresistible smell was coming from, it was almost intoxicating.

This was a waste of time. I turned around but just then, Tensaiga began to pulse.

"Hn." I replied to Tensaiga's response to the girl. 

"Oh look at that! Tensaiga is glowing Lord Sesshomaru!"

Trying to disregard the pulse of Tensaiga was nearly impossible. It wouldn't allow me to leave unless I had completed the task it was clearly asking of me. I had no choice. "Jaken, step back."

"Right away Mi'Lord!" The imp scampered to the side away from the area of the girl's body.

I unsheathed Tensaiga and swung at the underworld demons consuming her, cutting them and banishing them from all existence. This was the power of Tensaiga, to swipe once and save one hundred lives. Pathetic. I internally scoffed to myself, gazing up towards the moon.  

*Cough, cough* Instantly the girl shot up from her previous position. I stare as she regains her conscience. Yes, she would be a perfect servant...

(Your POV)

I shot up opening my eyes, going into a coughing fit. Did I die? Surely I died. My vision began to start clearing up and I could now see that I was in the same area that I collapsed. And also that I wasn't alone.... My (e/c) eyes met with a tall figure, those golden eyes just piercing into my soul.

"The wench is alive!!" I heard a voice call out beside me. I turn my head and see a tiny imp with a two faced staff. 

"AHHHH!!!!" I screamed getting up quickly and running only to trip and fall onto my face again. "Please don't kill me." I cried, begging for my life. 

I don't understand why, but it was if I was revived. I couldn't carelessly throw away my life again. The tall man began walking towards me, but upon closer look, I could now see he wasn't an ordinary man, but he was a demon. 

His face was sharp and he had demon markings along his cheeks and a crescent moon on his forehead. His gold orbs shined as they got closer and closer and his silky, long hair flowed swiftly through the wind. His kimono was clearly made of expensive material and his armour represented his love for battle. He was actually quite handsome for a filthy, lowly demon. When I stopped myself from this trance I began to realize my situation, this demon was walking towards me with an unsheathed sword and I was on the ground in my torn pink kimono. 

"P-p-p-please don't do this." I begged, tears streaming down my face. 

"Get up." His harsh voice commanded.

I couldn't move, I was horrified. 

A growl escaped his throat putting more fear into me. "You're coming with me." He commanded with an expressionless face. 

I was confused. "W-w-what?" 

"You heard Lord Sesshomaru, wench! Get up!" The tiny imp yelled.

I slowly began to get up onto my feet, but then an idea came into my head. 


I was now running to God knows where. I was running until my feet were off the ground. Was I running so fast that I began to fly? 

"What are you doing?" 

I look over to my right and see that I wasn't off the ground because I was flying, but somehow this demon had captured me. He pinned me to the ground and I beat on his chest. 

"Ahhh!!! Get off of me you disgusting demon!!! Leave me alone!!" My attempts at pushing him off of me were fails, he didn't even budge once and his hard chest was harder than my fists. Before I could even think I was pulled up and slung over his shoulder. "Put me down! What the hell do you think you're doing?!?" I screamed into his ear.

His stoic facial expression remained though he looked slightly more annoyed and pushed me more onto his shoulder so I couldn't yell into his ears if I tried. "After saving your life this is how you repay me?"

Huh? Saved my life what was he taking about? "What the hell are you talking about demon?" 

"That is Lord Sesshomaru to you, wench." He replied.

"How dare you call me a wench, let me go." I beat on his back. My attempts to wiggle loose from his grasp was impossible I could barely move.

"You insolent human, you will serve me in my palace and wherever I want. Unless you don't want to live to see tomorrow." 

"I would rather be dead than serve a lowly demon like you." I was immediately pulled off of his shoulder by one arm, his hand was around my neck.

"Know your place, wench." His hands gripping at my small neck, and my feet dangling high off the ground. I tried to get air, but I immediately was thrown back onto his shoulder even lower and we began to ascend high into the sky.

I closed my eyes and trembled violently. I was mortified of the height we were at and that I witnessed some of this demons true power. After a while I fell asleep, hoping that this was all a dream.

His Servant? (Sesshomaru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now