December 3rd 2016

760 10 4

My friend and I spent three hours shipping our classmates with Hetalia characters... Oops?

We did the same with our teachers too...

Can't wait to tell them on Monday XD

Liam X America
Morgan X Denmark
Dakota X Canada


My friend and I went to the mall and I bumped into some people from my old school, and she bumped into one of her out of school friends.... Awkward.... They've changed a lot, they seem a lot more 2016 girly, meanwhile I was in a pair of jeans and a tank top with a flannel and a beanie on.

We also found out a bunch of our friends from school also went to the mall, she bumped into one of them while I was paying for my awesome new shirt.

My friend and I ended up going to a shop that was pretty cool. I loved the shirts there, but they sell pretty 18+ stuff. The shirt I got was a shirt that said. "Straight Outta The Closet"  (picture above) which fit my personality perfectly! Me being anything but heterosexual :3

There was also shirts like "Bitchcraft" (from American Horror Story) "Bitch please, I ride a unicorn" "I'm going to hell in every religion" and "My parents said I could be anything so I became an asshole"

It's a cool store!

I also got the ENTIRE SHERLOCK HOLMES SERIES!!! It's my life!! I'm so excited to start reading it, but I have to wait until Christmas ;-; but that's okay! I'm reading a cool book called "The Last Kingdom" and I really like it! It's about an English boy being adopted by a Danish man and taught the Viking ways! It takes place in the 9th century.

After the mall, we parted ways and I had to take the city bus home alone... It was cool and I even talked to a girl about books! It was awesome!! :3

The ride home was silent and once I got to the bus stop, I had to walk the rest of the way home, I'm so sore because of it... I'm glad I got home before dark though, sun sets around 3:58 pm now ;-; ughhhhhh

So I'm exhausted, and Morgan is now asking if she's going to get grandchildren... Morgan I'm a teenager .... I'm not having kids anytime soon sorry XD

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