chapter 26: the first date

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if you want to find out about why I'm busy or when future fanfics are coming out please check out my update and notes book as i'm no longer wasting space here to explain why i'm busy. anyway I just want to say a massive thank you garence has now over 19k reads and yet again I forgot to check how many votes and cant thank you enough. now as a thank I will write a one shot with the theme of your choice it can have nothing to do with what going on right now. and if you don't want a garence oneshot and would rather have a zanvis one shot let me know in the comments as well.

your choices are...

A)Fluffy- sweet, cute and just a bunch of Kawaii sh*t that makes you feel warm inside.

B)Lime- usually a hot passionate make out session with the mention of having sex.

C)Lemon- if you don't what it means do you even read fanfics breh (yes I spelled bruh like that on purpose)

D) sad/happy- I dont know what else to call it. but its a story that starts sad but has a happy end.

E) sad- sad just sad bring tissues because this crap is just not a happy tale.

F) crack- just the characters doing random and weird sh*t  and has no actual purpose other then to make people cringe or laugh.

and heres your couple choice...



Okay now heres the next chapter.


I held the flowers nervously in my hand this is what any couples did right? wait are we even a couple, DAMMIT LAURENCE your suppose to be the flirt here. Agh I need to stop panicking. I had asked Travis what his favorite flowers where  he told me roses. I also managed to figure about he loves cherry breath mints so I had one a few minutes ago. I told my parents well adoptive parents I was seeing a friend rather then saying I was going on a date. I hadn't come out yet to them. I checked the time on my phone 5:45 it read he should be here any minute.

"hay baby"

I jumped and fumbled with my phone before quickly shoving it in my pocket and looked up to see Travis in a very expensive looking suit I tried to fix my own as I was beginning to feel a little insecure about my simple black pants, white blows, suit jacket and tie.

"hey Travis ready to head inside" I asked.

"of course by the way the suit looks adorable on you" he whispered into my ear I felt a shiver go up my spine and my heart raced.

"you look very handsome I'm surprised girls aren't eyeing you right now" I said he really did look handsome.

"oh they are they always are I mean I can't help it" he said I bit my lip nervously and jealousy came on.

"but I think their more focused on you my wittle biscuit (oh god the cringe blegh)"  he said before I felt him pinch my butt I yelped and slapped his hand away. I tried to play it of by making a flirty remark about when Travis seemed offended and fortunately it worked. we headed inside.

small time skip cause I don't know what to put for the date.

Travis held the flowers in his hands the ones that I gave him he smiled and smiled back I paid the café owner and we head outside that's when Travis pulled close and kissed me on the lips my world seemed to stop my first kiss had been taken. he pulled away and smirked at my dazed expression.

see you Monday Laurence I had fun tonight. I put a hand to my lips as I watched him go my heart filling with excitement.

Narrator Pov:

but what Laurence didn't see as Travis rounded the corner was Travis chucking the flowers into a near by pond.

stay tuned for next chapter where we watch garroth and his suffering.

Aphmau fanfiction- GarenceWhere stories live. Discover now