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sorry for the lack of stories and sorry as well for not getting that oneshot out yet I got so caught up in exams I had no time to sit down and write I really really am sorry I feel really bad for it but I only have one exam left and a day off from school I will get started on updating every story I have or writing the next chapter and type it on the weekend.

also thank you so much for over 600 or so votes and over 22k views I know I say this a lot and it seems like I don't mean it but I truly do. every single one of you people mean a lot your the reason I have confidence in my writing. also me being a blind idiot I just noticed that you can check stats on your stories. so hello to you peeps from around the world I never realised my story spread to multiple places around the world that is amazing. I thank you all so so much for reading my story it really does mean a lot.

I really hope I did not sound creepy af so really sorry if I did. but in all seriousness you guys are amazing thank you so much! and thank you to Aphmau for creating such a wonderful series. stay awesome you guys and watch for the next chapter!


- aphmaumuffin

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