Chapter 4

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I wake up on my bed back at the bunker. How did I get here? What's going on? I search through my brain until I remember what happened. Oh my god. I can read minds. I was dead. Mark is dead. Okay, let's try not to think about that one. What was I feeling when I read Lucifer's mind? Although the feeling was so brief and I can't remember what it felt like anymore, I remember how much it hurt. What could make someone feel like that? There's no way Lucifer imagined that pain. It's too much for the imagination. He must have felt it. But when?
Realizing that just asking myself these questions isn't helping, I decide to get out of bed and rejoin the group. Maybe they can explain things to me, because I'm more confused than I was in math class in high school, and that's saying something. I'm still exhausted, possibly more than I was before I fell asleep at all, but I don't care.
I walk into the hallway, the lights momentarily blinding me before my eyes adjust from the dark room. I walk the familiar corridor until I reach the main room, where everyone else is. They all look up as I appear, and I get a lot of warm smiles to go with their sweet thoughts, though they're hard to discern because they all come at once. The sudden volume makes me cringe, covering my ears in a failed attempt to hide the voices. I squeeze my eyes shut, and it works.
I feel a hand in my back, pushing me away. I oblige, not opening my eyes until I'm far from the room. I see it's Lucifer who's pushing me away. I allow him to lead me back to my room, and he closes the door behind us. We sit on my bed, facing each other.
"Are you okay?" Lucifer asks.
I nod. "Yeah. Just too many voices."
Lucifer nods sympathetically.
Well, she looks okay. I don't think it scarred her, anyway.
"You don't think what scarred me?" I ask.
He hesitates. "What do you remember from before you woke up?"
"Um... I died. I came back. Janus is a dick. You have horrible thoughts."
Lucifer chuckles at my recount of the major events (except Mark. I'm not bringing him up.) It sounds a bit forced, though.
"Yeah. That, um, 'horrible thought' was actually the cage," he informs me. "Rob basically said that I still think of him as a father more than the other angels, because while the term kind of disappeared in Heaven, I spent the entirety of my stay at the Hell Hotel considering Rob my dad. So, naturally, that's what I thought of, and that's what you felt. I didn't realize you'd be able to feel it, too, or I would have played some awesome song for you to listen to in my head instead." He adds the last part sort of jokingly.
"That's what Hell felt like?" I repeat. "You had to suffer through that for millennia?"
Lucifer nods. "Yep. Fun times." He says it sarcastically, but not in a dark tone like I would have expected from someone talking about Hell. "You were lucky, though. You passed out almost immediately."
I nod, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I experienced Hell.
"Questions? Comments? Concerns?" Lucifer asks in a very teacher-like manner.
"I've got a comment!" I say, changing the subject to something more fun. "Your wings are cool."
He chuckles. "Thanks."
"Can I touch them?" I ask hopefully. They look so soft!
"I'd rather not."
"Why not?" I ask, not like a whiny brat but out of genuine curiosity. "Does it hurt?"
He shakes his head. "No. I mean, they could, if you're too rough on them. See, wings are the most sensitive part of an angel. That means that if you're hard on them at all, it hurts like hell. But if you're not, it can be... Pleasurable."
"Like, it tickles?" I ask, unsure what he means by the word.
"Depending on where, it can," he replies. "But that's not what I meant."
"Then what... Oh," I say, drawing out the last word as I realize what he means. An idea comes to mind. "So you'd get off on it if I went like this?" I reach out and lightly brush one of his wings with the back of my hand.
Lucifer flinches, his wing flicking away quickly before it settles back where it was. "Bailey..." he says in a low warning tone. I ignore it and brush his wing again, causing him to moan quietly. I smirk at his reaction and do it again, watching as the pleasure increases visibly until he can't take it anymore.
He pulls me close and kisses me. It's fast and wild, leaving me begging for it to never end. I attempt to wrap my arms around him before I remember his wings are in the way. Instead, I push him down in my bed. I feel him grin against my mouth as he pulls me closer, our bodies pressing together. His hands reach for my shirt, and then you guys probably know what happens from here better than the author does. All I'm going to say is that we went all the way, and I loved every second of it.

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