Chapter 4

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Finally the work week was over. It was Friday night, and Alexa was going to come over to watch movies... talk... and listen to music. I hurried to get the house ready. I took the trash out and finished washing the dishes, then my phone rang. It was Alexa.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Hey Ash,  I am so sorry, but work is having me stay after to finish up with editing these pictures,  and its gonna take me a couple hours. I won't be able to make it tonight," she explained.

I sighed,  "That's fine. I understand that work is important. If you get out of there before midnight,  try stopping over, if that's okay? I actually have to tell you something."

"Alright. Later chick," and she hung up.

"Damnit..." I mumbled to myself.  The whole reason I planned this night was to tell her about me having to-

Knocking at the door broke my train of thought. I walked over to the door to see a man in a hood standing on the steps.

"Can I help you with something, sir?" I questioned.

"Yeah..." he began, "You're Ashley Stevens,  right?"

I nodded, "Yeah... Is there a problem or anything?"

"Oh, my apologies," he said. He removed his hood, and the light from my house revealed his face.

"Marshall? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to give you your tickets personally. They're for next Saturday at 8 in Detroit." He gave me the tickets,  and looked at my house, "You live here?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but only for another month or so... My bad. Would you like to come in? A drink, just to sit..."

"Yeah, if it isn't a problem with you..."

I shook my head, "Nah, come on in."

He followed me to the living room, where he looked around at the room.  I got him a glass water and brought it to him. He snapped out of his thoughts and took the glass, "Thank you."

We both sat down as he drank the water. He sat the glass down on the coffee table. "So, when you said this is your house for another month,  what'd you mean? If you don't mind me asking."

I sighed. I originally planned on telling Alexa first, but she wasn't able to make it. "Well, I'm going to be moving back to Ohio..."

"Why'd you move out here then?" He asked. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

I shook my head,  "I want to. I moved out here a couple years ago when my grandmother had cancer. She was alone out here and I was the only one when had left. So I came out here... and stayed here another year after she passed..."

He looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. Thank you for the tickets, but you didn't have to come out here and give them to me personally."

He laughed and looked at me, "Nah, its fine. I couldn't wait to see you actually..." his cheeks started to turn a light red, showing he didn't mean to say the last part.

"Its okay, I couldn't wait to see you either," I smiled. He looked up from the floor again and smiled at me.

Marshall's POV.

God... she was so gorgeous when she smiled. When I first saw her at that restaurant,  I feel for that smile... Fuck! What are you saying Marshall?  You just met this girl a few days ago! You barely knew her! You don't even know if she's dating anyone or not... Please let her not be dating anyone...

"So..." I managed to get out, "You're bringing your friend with you to the concert? Not a boyfriend?" I felt heat rush to my face. Damnit. I didnt know how to break the silence,  so why not see if she is in a relationship...?

"Yeah, my friend Alexa. And.. nope. I'm not in a relationship... my last one ended badly... but it was before I even moved here," she mumbled as she rubbed her collarbone.

"Im sorry... Trust me, I know how bad relationships can be..." It was true. When I was with Kim, she would beat on me. I would not hit back. I would wait 'til I got to the studio to attack her. Man was I fucked up back then...

"Its fine..." She smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back. "You know... You're a nice guy," she grinned.

I chuckled, shaking my head,  "Nah... I'm not."

She shook her head, "No, you are." She smiled, "You gave me that note at the restaurant, gave me tickets to one of your shows, not to mention you gave them to me personally. And you're talking to me,  just another fan..."

"Well, you're not like most fans," I smirked. "You don't scream 'Fuck me Eminem!' at the top of your lungs and chase me down... You treat me like a normal person... Like I'm Marshall, ya know?"

She nodded, "Well, yeah. I mean, celebrities get it all the time,  and when I started working at the restaurant, my boss told me we could get celebrities, and if we do, treat them with respect and like normal people. And I kinda made that my rule too. You know what I mean? "

"Yeah... I do." She actually understood it. Sadly most people can't.

By the time I looked at my watch,  I had been there two hours talking with Ashley. It was almost 10 o'clock.

"I hate to, but I gotta go. I loved talking to you. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the concert. Maybe after it me, you, and your friend can go out or something. Sound good?"

"Yeah, I'd like that.  and I think she would too," she beamed 

I got up and walked to the door,  she followed behind. "Thank you for tonight. It was nice just talking to someone," I grinned.

"Same for me," she giggled. I embraced her with a hug, but was saddened when it ended. I began to walk down the steps of her house. she began to shut the door.

"Wait!" I shouted. She turned around. "Um, if you ever need anything, or of you need someone to talk to... you still have my number... right?"

She smiled, "Yeah. I'll be sure to give you a call sometime. Same goes for you."

I turned back around and walked to my car. I sat down in the seat and closed the door. I looked back up to the house to make sure Ashley returned to the house safely.

I sighed when the door shut, and began my drive to the airport.


A/N: Thank you for being patient!  :)

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