Chapter 3

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"SHUT UP!" was the first thing Alexa said when I told her what happened. I laughed.

"Ash,  this is a huge deal! You talked to Eminem! AND he's giving you tickets to a concert!"

I got up to get a glass of water, "I asked for a second ticket for you..."

Her eyes widened when I turned around, "You didn't..."

I took a drink of my water, "I did."

She ran over and hugged me me, making me spill the water down the front of me, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She was practically shaking me.

Although I was pissed she covered my shirt in water, I couldn't help but laugh. When I moved here a couple years ago, she was the first person I met. When I was riding the bus to my grandmother's, and she was sitting across from me on the bus...


I stared out the window after I got on the city bus, but felt eyes on me. I turned to see a girl, probably my age, sitting a seat away from me.

"Hey.." she called out to me.

"Hi..." I replied.

"I haven't seen you on here before. Are you new to this town?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Dont worry, I am too," she smiled. "What's your name?"

"Ashley.  You?"

"Alexa. So what brings you to New York?" She asked.

"My grandmother's heath is slowly dropping,  and she's the only somewhat close relative I have left, and I want to be there for her. What about you? You said you're new here?"

"Im sorry about you're grandmother.  But I came out here to just find a job."

I nodded, "Do you know any good places?" I asked her. Since I planned on staying with Grandma, I would probably get a job so I could provide for her and myself.

"Well I was looking through the paper this morning, and theirs a breakfast diner looking for a waitress or hostess.  Im probably gonna try for a job at the photography studio down the street."

She pulled out her phone, "Whats your number? I can call you if I find any other jobs, or we can hang out after interviews?"

I nodded, "Sure, that sounds okay."

I gave her my number and got off the bus. I made my way to the diner and got an application,  filled it out,  and submitted it. I went to my grandmother's in the meantime.  She was getting worse each week, but she still fought. She had dementia and had cancer. They gave her a max of a year by the time I made it to New York.

To my surprise,  a week after I entered the application,  I got a call back, saying I had gotten the job. I called Alexa and told her, and she told me she got her job at the studio. We decided to go out and celebrate getting our jobs. We went to a local club and ordered some drinks, and music started playing. It was Eminem; I couldn't name the song because too many people were talking.

"At least this club plays good music!" Alexa yelled over the people.

"You like Eminem? " I asked.

"Like? I love him!"

"Seriously?" I smiled, "He's my favorite."

***Flashback ends***

And that's how our friendship started. We've been sisters since, and if I was going to an Eminem concert,  I was definitely bringing my friend. She's the only one I have left.

My phone started ringing, and it was the number I had called where Em- I mean Marshall picked up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Um.. hi. Ashley? " he sounded nervous,  it was actually kinda cute.

"Yeah, its me."

"Oh. So I have two tickets and two backstage passes,  but I need your address so I can get them sent out to you and your friend."

"Okay, yeah, of course."

I gave him my address, said our goodbyes, and I heard a slight laugh coming from his end before he clicked off.

"Who was that?" Alexa questioned.



Oh my... this again...


A/N: Hey, so you kinda got a feel from where Ashley comes from. :) Kinda sad, but there'll be more later on ! :)

Until next time...

-Liv :)

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