Chapter 11

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*A/N: Sorry for not posting in a couple weeks. I've had writer's block and have been busy with school, but I felt like you guys deserved a part, so if this chapter sucks... I'm sorry! Hope you guys enjoy it tho!*

Marshall's Pov

I drove us back to my house since I knew the quickest route back to Detroit. We made it back in under an hour. Ashley went upstairs to change and I went to the kitchen to began preparing the food. I glanced at the clock to see what time it was; 3:12. I had just enough time to fry up some ground beef for tacos. I was craving Taco Bell,  but I thought I'd actually cook since Ashley was here. I got seasonings out of the cabinet as the beef was frying. I stirred the beef while adding them, and the aroma was wonderful. I turned off the burner and scooped the meat into a bowl, setting it on the counter. I went to the fridge and got out lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and other 'ingredients' needed for tacos, and got the shells out of the cabinet as well.

"Ooh, tacos?" I heard Ashley say.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I've kinda been wanting them. That okay with you?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "They smell good," she said as she gave me a hug. I bent my head down and kissed her.

I glanced up at the clock; 3:56. "The girls should be getting here soon." After I said that the doorbell rang.

"Stay here. I'll go get it," I told Ashley,  breaking out of the hug. I walked to the door and opened it. Alaina, Hailie, and Whitney stood there, next to Kim.

"Hey girls," I hugged them. After the hug, they entered the house and stood next to me.

"The girls said something about a friend of yours?" Kim asked.

"Yeah.. she's a friend..." I shrugged.

"Marshall, its fine. You haven't been with anybody in who knows how long. Go ahead. We all need to find a love again at some point,  right?" Damn, she really meant that. I could tell.

"You sure?" I asked. She nodded, with a smile. I gave a smirk back. She walked down the steps as I shut the door.

"Daddy, can we meet your friend?" Whitney asked.

"Yeah, are you guys ready to meet her?" They all three nodded in unison.

I walked to the kitchen with the girls behind me, "Ashley, are you ready to meet the girls?"

She turned around and nodded. The girls and I made it into the kitchen. They exchanged smiles. "Girls, this is Ashley. Ashley, this is Hailie, Alaina, and Whitney."

"Hi girls, " Ashley smiled.

"Hello," they all replied.

"You're really pretty!" Hailie said.

"Well if anyone here is pretty,  it would have to be you girls," Ashley replied.

"C'mon," I said, "Let's grab some tacos and talk about who's prettier later, even though we all know its me."

The four of them laughed as they walked over to the shells and meat. I couldnt help but chuckle along with them as I followed.


"So Ashley, how did you and Uncle meet?" Lainie asked.

"Well, I got to serve him at the diner I work at, and he gave me a note..." Ashley said so sweetly. I smiled and looked down at the ground.

"What'd the note say?" Hailie asked.

She glanced over at me, "It had a number that I could call if I wanted to go to a show of his... and it was his number..."

The girls looked at me and aww'd. I looked over at Ashley and felt my face becoming hot. "Well, I'm happy for you Dad. Ashley, you seem like a great person." She got up and gave me a hug, "I'm gonna go finish up some homework then probably go to bed. It was great meeting you Ashley." She put her dishes in the kitchen and walked upstairs to her room.

"I think I might chill out in my room for a bit and go to bed." She put her plate in the sink and gave me a hug before heading to her room. Whitney walked over to me, "Daddy, can you put me to bed tonight?"

I smiled, "Yeah honey, I can do that."

"Can Ashley come too?" She asked. I looked at Ashley, she looked at me.

"Yeah, she can come. That okay with you?" She nodded. I picked Whitney up as we walked up the stairs. I looked at a clock and saw it was already 9 o'clock. Maybe thats why everyone is tired. I turned on a light and sat Whit down as she ran to her bed. She wrapped up in a blanket and fluffed her pillow out of habbit.

"Love you Whit," I blew her a kiss.

"Love you too," she yawned as her eyes closed. I turned off the light and shut the door. I felt Ashley's lips press against my cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"You're a wonderful father." I smiled at that remark.

"They're my life. Besides rap... they're all I have. I don't know what I'd do without them..." I confessed.

She gave me a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck,  "I wish I had a father that cared that much..."

I hugged back, "I wish the same thing sometimes..."

She pulled away from the hug, "What time is it?"

"9:04, why?"

"Shit..." she said in a quiet tone, "I told my boss I'd be back Monday."

"I'm not much for lying... but call tomorrow and say while looking for houses, your car broke down in Toledo. We can spend the  morning together and you can go back to New York tomorrow."

She nodded her head at the plan, "That may work. I'll tell him that tomorrow morning." She gave me another hug, "Thank you."

I picked her up and carried her bridal style, "C'mon, let's go watch some tv." I carried her to my room and sat her down on the bed. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants from my closet and put them on real quick.

"Um.." I heard Ashley pipe up, "I only packed enough clothes for one night..."

"I got ya." I returned to my closet and got out a pair of sweat pants,  and a t-shirt. "Here you go. Go change real quick."

She went into the bathroom and returned a minute later. The t-shirt went down almost to her knees and the sweat pants almostr fit perfectly, they were just very baggy. "These are huge on me!" she laughed.

I chuckled, "Those were the 'smallest' ones I could find!" She sat down next to me in the bed.

"Yeah, like these are small on me!" she smiled. She snuggled up next to me as I gazed into her eyes. She yawned, and I knew she was tired.

"Go to sleep, you look tired," I told her.

"I don't want to sleep yet. It seems too early," she whined.

"You have to call your boss tomorrow morning,  and I have to make sure the girls get off to school on time."

She nodded, "Okay.. goodnight then," she surrendered. I gave her a kiss and turned off the light. I heard her breathing slow until she was asleep. I didn't fall asleep yet. I was thinking... 'How did you two find each other? You two are a match.' Her dad left her and her mother, which is already a dick move, not to mention what she said to her... asshole much? I can relate to her pain...where most people can't relate to mine. I looked back at her innocent face one last time before shutting my eyes...

*A/N: hey! another note. I'm sorry for not posting in so long as the note before says.  The next chapter will be in Ashley's Pov :) thanks for waiting! *

-Liv AKA Stans19946 :*

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