Chapter 17

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*A/N: Okay, so this part is a flashback before Ashley was hospitalized.  Just an fyi :)*

Marshall's Pov

I parked the car in the back lot.

"We're here," I smiled at her.

She stared out the window of the car at the building in front of us. "This is where you record your songs?" she asked.

I chuckled, "Most of them. Welcome to Shady Records."

We got out of the car and walked into the building. One of the secretary's greeted us as we walked to the elevator. I pressed the button for the floor my studio was on.

As we were walking down the hall, I heard, "Yo Em!"

I turned around and started laughing, "White dog!" I gave him a hug. "Man.. how's Radioactive coming along? Only a month before it releases."

"Yeah I know! I'm pumped! Hey uh.. who's this nice young lady with you?" He pointed over to Ashley.

"I'm Ashley.  And you're... Yelawolf?" she asked. The sound of her voice made it clear she knew his work.

"Yep. You can call me Michael though if you want," he said, scratching the back of his head and adjusting his beanie.

"Aight... Cool," she grinned.

"Wanna join us, dawg? Just showing Ash around the studio," I asked Yela.

"Wish I could, man.. but I gotta date with my music."

"Alright. I understand. Hit me up sometime aight?" I told him.

"Alright. Later Em. Bye Ashley," he waved at her. She waved back.

We walked into the studio and I sat down in a chair. Ashley sat in a chair next to me.

"This is a really nice recording studio..." Ashley said as she admired.

"Thanks. I designed this room myself," I said looking through the drawers to show her something. Then I found it.

"What's that?" she asked.

"It's my ammunition," I smirked.

"Your what?" she asked.

"Any lyrics that come to mind... I jot it down and put it in this box."

I sat down the box and she started to look through some of the notes. "These... are incredible."

I laughed, "There's not a complete song in there," I told her.

"Yeah but it's still incredible..." she said looking through the rest.

"So... what is your favorite song by me?" I asked her.

"I think Stan... I love the anger and sadness in it."

"Yeah... not many people realize the details in it. The building of his anger... when he snaps..."

"I know you probably get this question a lot... but how does it end?" Ashley asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned back. "Stan and his girl die."

"Yeah.. but what about Matthew?" she asked.

*********(Flashback over)********


"Wha-?" I rubbed my eyes. Alexa was standing in front of me with the notebook I bought and pen.

"You dropped this?" she asked.

"Uhh... yeah." I said,  grabbing it back.

I glanced at my watch to see the time. It was 4:46 AM.

"Do you need to sleep?" I asked Alexa. I could see her eyes were droopy.

"I'm good I think..." she sighed sitting next to me. "I bought a Five Hour Energy downstairs."

"Alright. Any signs of her dad?" I asked.

She shook her head,  "Hasn't been anyone around here besides nurses. They mentioned she stabilized but she's still out. They're pretty sure she's in a coma..."

I took off my hat and rubbed my head.

"What was it you were writing?" she asked.

"I'm pretty sure a song..." I mumbled. Damn..I was actually tired.

"Can I see it?" she asked.

"Yeah go ahead..." I said handing her the journal.

After a few minutes later she hands me the journal, "Wow..that's incredible, Marshall. Did you write it for her? "

"Kinda...Well..basically yeah. This whole thing kinda reminds me of what she told me a few months ago..." I explained.

"I can't believe you wrote it so quickly..."

I glanced through the glass to her... "Love makes you do amazing things..."


A/N: Aww... So... guess what song he wrote ;)  haha.

Sorry its been so long! Summer ya know... but I'll try to post every once in awhile. 

-Liv AKA Stans19946 :)

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