[1] Following My Beliefs

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    A young girl with blue hair ran around the meadow - her brown eyes gleaming happily and laughter escaping her lips. Behind her was an older girl with a shade dark of blue hair chasing her, laughing as well. 
   Two cats - one white and one pink - weren't to far away from them. The pink one was making a flower crown with the surrounding wild daisies while the white one just sat by and watched.

      "You can't catch me, Wendy-nii!!" The younger girl teased, looking over her shoulder. 
      "I bet I can!!" The other girl, Wendy, declared as she pushed herself to run faster. That, of course, made her trip over a small hole in the ground and fall face first. 
    The little girl stopped running and burst into another fit of giggles. "Wendy fell again! You really are clumsy, aren't you?" When Wendy didn't reply, she frowned and started towards her. "Are you okay Wendy? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

    When she was close to Wendy, the older girl suddenly jumped up and tackled her. "Haha! Got you, Crystal!" 

        "That's no fair!!" Crystal whined, trying to pin the other girl down. "Stop moving!" 

        "No way! I know what your're going to do!"
        "Oh, yeah?! What then?!"
        "You're going to tickle attack me! I'm your older sister, I know everything!" 
        "Well, did you know this?!" Crystal quickly made a small water ball appear in her hand, threw it at Wendy before running off. 
    Unbeknownst to the four of them, three pairs of eyes watched them carefully. Well, two pairs and one eye. "She doesn't look strong at all. Why do we have to end up fighting her?" The one with green eyes sneered. The voice wasn't deep but it wasn't high like a girls, so it had to be a young boy. 
     The figure with one eye briefly let his eyes dance to the one with blue eyes before answering. "In due time, boy. As of now, you have to keep watch of her. Learn her strength and use them against her, find her weaknesses, and find the key points to take her down."
          "But why us?!" The one with blue eyes hissed, the voice being easily detected as a girl. 
          "Because its what the higher ups orders." His eye flashed. "You two will take down the Storm Dragon Slayer."

          ". . .Yes, Master."

  ☁️Years later☁️ 

      Crystal sat next to Wendy with a slightly shocked look on her face, while Kat stood next to Carla with a proud smirk. 
          "Precognition?!" Wendy and Crystal chimed.
          "That's right!" Carla grinned. "The Queen said so, didn't she? That I had the power to predict the future."
          "It shouldn't be that hard to follow." Kat added. "I mean, Mother herself can see the future."
          "Shush," Crystal hissed, flicking her partner lightly. "Don't ruin her moment!"
      Carla's eyes sparkled with amusement before she continued. "Since I learn about it, I seem to have gotten a little control over it. . .With a little help from Kat. . ."
          "Awesome Carla!" Wendy beamed. 
          "Hey, who am I going to marry in the future?!" Lisanna, who was still a bit wary around Crystal, stared off into the distant with a love-struck look on her face.
          "Am I ever going to get asked out?!" Crystal demanded, poking Kat. "As much as I like this exceed, I don't feel like marrying her."
          "Hey!" Kat snapped. "As if that'll happen!" 
          "I can't see that far into the future." Carla explained and turned around, looking towards Macao. "Lets see. . .For example, Macao is sitting over there. Shortly, Wakaba will come by and start a conversation about the young people in the guild." 
      Just as the white exceed said, Wakaba walked right up to Macao and started their. . .disturbing conversation. 
           "That's. . .kinda of creepy." Crystal stuttered to find the ocrrect words. 
           "Wow! That's awesome!. . .Although their conversation isn't too good. . ." Lisana mumbled. 

           "Even if I can predict the future, things like that can't be help." Carla sighed, crossing her arms. 
           "But that's awesome Carla!!" Wendy said, being the optimistic one here. 
           "Yeah, Yeah!" 

           "I wish I could tell the future." Crystal let out a longing sigh. "I'd see the winning number for that life-time supply of pocky. . ."
           "I don't have full control of this power yet. . ." Carla whispered, cutting Crystal off from her daydreaming. 

           "Don't worry, it should be that long before you can! Besides, since Kat's mother was about to control it, she should be able to help you out a lot!" 
           "I don't mind." Kat hummed. "Mother taught me a few tricks when I was younger, before we realized I could read minds, not futures."

           ". . .Sounds like a plan." Carla smiled.

Sooo, that was a shitty prologue. I didn't know exactly what to do, so I just winged it. I made the picture, but I have no rights to the characters from the show Fairy tail(Sadly) and I don't own the girl now posing as Crystal (Aikatsu Aoi)

Following My Beliefs ☁️ Book Three ☁️Where stories live. Discover now