[2] You were the shadow to my light

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  (All edited are mine ^-^)

      Crystal let out a hum, casually skipping besides her older sister - with her arms out as if she was on a balance beam. "Do you think we'll finally find out about why the guild is all worked up?" 

        "I hope so," Wendy replied. "I'm getting anxious just thinking about it!"
        "You get anxious about everything." Crystal teased, making the other bluenette blow a raspberry. 
         "I do not!"

         "Of course you do!" The younger sister suddenly jumped in front of Wendy with her fists on her hips and standing proudly. "You, the older sister, support me, the younger sister, from the sidelines with power-ups while I fight for what's right!"  
          "Isn't it the other way around?" Kat pointed out, diverting her attention from Carla to Crystal. 
          "Pfft, who says that?" Crystal scoffed, turning around. 
          "Every book ever." Carla deadpaned. 
      Crystal turned towards the trio - all of them wearing shit-eating grins - before exclaiming; "Hey! This is my story, so back off!"
           "Whatever you say, Cry." Wendy giggled, throwing an arm around her shoulder's as the four of them entered the guild. 
     Much to Crystal's surprise, a whole crowd was gathered in front of the stage, all mingling. Excited voices rose from the crowd - making Crystal assume it was good news. 

           "What's this about?" Crystal asked over the noise, looking towards her sister. 
           "Can't you hear?" Kat scoffed teasingly. 

           "Of course I can! I have better hearing than anyone else!" She retorted. Carla let out a smirk, putting a paw on Kat's shoulder.
           "It's not the girls fault she can't understand this kind of stuff." 

           "Hey!" Crystal exclaimed, glaring at the twin exceeds who were snickering in reply. "I do know what's going on!!. . .Wendy, what's going on?"

      Wendy shook her head slightly before explaining what she knew. "I'm not really sure. They're saying Master is making some kind of important announcement."
          "That's not much to go on." Crystal commented dryily, glancing over to a certain flame-brain. "But whatever it is, it has Natsu fired up."

          "Must be a fight then. A fight always gets Natsu fired up." Kat pointed out - just as the curtains pulled back dramatically. Makarov was closest to the crowd with Mirajane and Erza flanking his right and left. To Mira's left there was an unfamiliar orange-haired man. Crystal narrowed her eyes at the male - trying to think of who it might be.
          "We've been waiting for a while!!"
          "Hurry up and make the announcement!"
          "'Who' is it this year?" Her guildmates shouted excitedly, making her gaze turn to everyone else in the guild.
      Master cleared his throat - calming down most of the guild - before starting. "Since long ago, this has been Fairy Tail's custom and now. . . The announcement of the participants in the S-class wizard promotion trail!!"
           "Ahh, so that's how they become S-class mages." Crystal nodded towards the three people up on the stage. "Doesn't seem that hard."
           "Oh, its especially hard!" A guildmate to Crystal's left - Naki she thinks - exclaimed. "Not only is there limited spots open - but sometimes you have to fight the current S-class mages, do random challenges, and even solve puzzles!!"

           "Hmm. . ." Crystal hummed thoughtfully, turning back to her guild master. 
           "The venue for this year is Tenrou Island, holy ground of our guild." Master let the crowd express there excitement before continuing. "Strength. . .Heart. . .Soul. . .I've been watching for each of these things for the past year. There will be 8 participants. . ."

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