[4] Another star, you fade away

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        "The Prince avoided making contact with people in this world." Pantherlily continued, the four of them walking along the beach so the exceeds could take a break. 
        "From what I heard, he would put everyone to sleep when he visited, so no one could see his face." Kat added on.

        "It's hard to believe he would take in a disciple and not tell anyone about it." Crystal agreed.

       "What are you three trying to say?" Carla asked, slightly irritated.
        "It's a very crazy guess. . ." Lily started. "That man named Mest. . .Is he really a member of the guild?"
    Almost as soon as he stated that, a red flare was sent into the air, exploding after a certain height. Four pair of eyes followed it before Crystal spoke up.
        "Red flare. . .Enemies are on the island."
        "We have to get to Wendy - fast." Lily ordered, his wings appearing again.
        "Right." The two female exceeds nodded and copied his actions -  Kat grabbing the straps on Crystal's crop top.
        "I can smell Wendy - towards the right." 

  ☁️ ☁️☁️ 

     "Right there! At the edge of the cliff!!" Crystal suddenly exclaimed, her finger pointing towards the edge of a cliff that overlooked the ocean. 

       "Wendyy!!" Carla yelled at the top of her lungs, trying to catch the bluenette's attention. "Wendy!!"

        "Get away from him, Wendy-nee!!" Crystal ordered.
        "Carla, Lily?! Crystal, Kat, you too?!" Wendy exclaimed in surprise. Kat dropped Crystal in front of Carla and Wendy before quickly taking Carla's side. Lily stood next to Crystal - the two of them acting like a protective barrier.
         "Just who are you, Mest?!" Carla demanded.
         "Eh? W. . .What are you talking about? I'm Mystogen's pupil. . ." He asked in confusion. Crystal furrowed her eyebrows. If Mest really wasn't who he said he was, he was a pretty good actor - she had to admitted it. 

    In a chain reaction, Crystal shoved Wendy and the exceeds further back as Lily charged forward - growing into his battle mode - and shoved Mest into the boulder behind him, punch the rock beside his head. 
        "The Prince would never take a pupil from this world." Lily stated. "You were smart to use someone who is no longer in this world, but you made a mistake in this setup, Mest. . .Or whatever you name is."
        "Hey!!" Wendu call out from behind them. "What are you guys talking about all the sudden?!"
        "You be quiet." Carla ordered - not even looking at her partner. 
        "I'd listen to her." Kat advised.

        "Who are you?!" Crystal demanded. 
        "Wh-What are you talking about?" Mest - if that is even his name -  stammered.

        "You can probably use a magic that controls peoples' memories. You cast magic on this guild's members and then pretended to be a member yourself." Pantherlily started. "Including the bit about the Prince, you story has tons of unnatural points about it. And I can't think of anyone who has any interaction with you."
       "And you don't even know what that signal means - do you?" Crystal asked rhetorically. "Explain, please, I would love to see what kind of crap excuse you can make up." 

    The man being interrogation dropped his head down - shadows covering his face. Before any of them could react - he looked up and disappeared.
        "He disappeared!" Kat exclaimed in shock. Crystal suddenly breathed in shock, turning around just to see Mest appear out of no where and grab her older sister. 
        "Wendy!!" Carla and Crystal cried out together. 
        "Watch out!!" Mest ordered, grabbing onto Crystal's arm as he fell back - narrowly avoiding a large beam of power. 
        "An attack?! What's going on?" Lily got in a defensive position from where the attack came from. 
    Crystal shrugged Mest's grip off her shoulder - but he quickly shoved the two younger girls behind him. Knowing he wouldn't do anything - she thought - Crystal shoved Wendy behind her and tried to stand as close to Lily as she could.

Following My Beliefs ☁️ Book Three ☁️Where stories live. Discover now