[3] Did you feel us?

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        "Come on Wendy!!" Crystal called out behind her, jogging in a good pace in front of her older sister. "We're almost there! Besides, you always did want to know where I went on workout days."
        "But we've ran for almost an hour!" Wendy panted, looking like she couldn't take another step. 
        "Oh, that's because we've been running in circles."
   Crystal stopped and turned around, hands on her hips. Although she wasn't as exhausted as Wendy was, you could she her shoulders heave. "It takes about ten minutes to walk to this place, but I've decided that we should run for a bit."
         "You could've at least told me. . ." Wendy mumbled, leaning on her knees to catch her breath.
         "Nope, come on." Crystal grunted, pulling her sister upright and dragging her out into the small clearing. A few random objects littered the ground - none that Wendy really knew - as Crystal dragged her over to a huge, blue squared mat. "Alright," She dropped Wendy's arm and walked a few meters away. "Come at me!"
         "W-What?! No, why?" Wendy shook her head frantically, looking at her sister in worry. 
        "You're really good at support magic, Wendy - and there is nothing wrong with that! But you could work on your attacks and defenses a bit more." Crystal stated bluntly. 

        "I thought I could fight decently. . ."
        "And you can! But if you want to help Mest become a S-class mage, then you need to strengthen yourself!"
    Wendy sighed, nodding slowly. She could see what Crystal was getting at. Although she was decent at fighting, there was no way she could help Mest at the level she was at. "Alright. . ."
       "Good!" Crystal smiled and got in a fighting stance. "Now, come at me!"
    Wendy copied her sister's stance before rushing at her, throwing a small punch. Crystal almost seemed to droop with disappointment as she easily blocked the attack with her forearm.
        "Wendy," She started. "We both know you can do better then that."
        "I know. . ." The older bluenette sighed, looking at the ground. "But you're not the enemy."

        "Even when I was, you wouldn't fight me!" Crystal referenced their time back in Edolas. "But sometime, the people you thought you could trust you'll have to fight. If you really want to help Mest - you got to train a little bit! Even if that means you have to beat me up!"
         "I still don't want to hurt you. . ."
         "Hmm. . ." Crystal furrowed her eyebrows before smiling a bit mischievously. "What if I tell that boy we saw the other day what you said?"
         "You wouldn't!" Wendy went tomato red and stared at her sister in disbelief. 
         "I bet he might be there now~" Crystal teased, starting to walk back to Magnolia. Almost instantly, she felt something ram into her back and the ground started to come closer. 
     Her blue eyes lit up as she twisted her herself and Wendy around - causing the older girl to hit the ground. Quickly, she stood as Wendy jumped up, throwing a punch. Wendy leaned a bit before throwing her own fist, making Crystal duck. 
     This went on for a few more minutes, the two of them exchanging punches before Crystal finally caught Wendy's wrist. The said girl gasped in surprise as Crystal yanked her forwards - putting her shoulder into Wendy's stomach - and flipping her over to where she landed on her back onto the blue mat. 
          "H-How did you do that?" She breathed out after catching her breath. Crystal giggled, laying down beside Wendy.
          "I used your momentum to flip you over my shoulder. It isn't that hard, I can teach you if you'd want too."
          "Yes please!!" Wendy exclaimed excitedly before looking at her sister with narrowed eyes. "You aren't going to go get that boy though, are you?"
          "No, I was just trying to get you to do something." Crystal's eyes gleamed as she nudged her shoulder. "Though, if you really want me too. . ."

     Crystal threw her head back and laughed loudly. "Alright, Alright! No need to panic! Your secret is safe with me." Wendy drew out a sigh, relaxing. 
         "Thanks. . ."
         "Hey, what are sisters for? Now, I better start teaching you!"

Following My Beliefs ☁️ Book Three ☁️Where stories live. Discover now