[5] Afraid our aim is out of sight

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☁️Years earlier☁️ 

        "Mystogen, Where are we going?" A girl coughed violently as she asked the question. A hand that wasn't much bigger than her own rested on her forehead before it was quickly brought back. 

        "Geez, Crystal, you're burning up!!" A young boy shouted, grabbing a wet rag and placing it on the bluenette's forehead. "Why didn't you say anything?"
       "I wanna see W-Wendy-nii." The younger version of Crystal cried. Her eyes were bloodshot and bags were under her eyes. Her slightly sunburned skin was dangerously pale as she was as thin as a stick as well. The illusion that was suppose to take her spot as Wendy's little sister looked much better off - even if she wasn't even real.

       "I know, I know." Mystogen sighed, picking up the rope that was connected onto the cart Crystal was resting on. "But your really sick, and no one here can cure it. You don't want your sister to get it, do you?"

       "N-No." Crystal sniffled pitifully before coughing again - red spots spraying the ground below. "W-What kind of sickness do I have?" 

       "That. . .I don't know. It's very rare but lethal. So, I'm going to take you to my home kingdom."


      "It's a different world. You'll have to go through a portal - an Anima - just to get to their safely. But don't worry, they'll send you back as soon as you're better."

      "You still didn't answer my q-question. What is this other kingdom you're talking about?"

      ". . .It's called Edolas."

  ☁️ ☁️☁️ 

        "Crystal!! Wake up, dammit! What's wrong with you guys, who did this too you?!" Crystal's blue orbs opened themselves just to see Natsu run over to Mest and grab him by the front of his shirt threateningly. "Was it you?! Hey, you bastard!!"
        "Damn. . .That dude packs a hard punch." Crystal groaned, clutching her throbbing head as everyone around her started to wake as well. 
        "Natsu-san. . .That man is from the council." Wendy explained, making the Fire Dragon Slayer stopped shaking Mest and started patting his shoulders. 
        "Nice coat. . ." He suddenly gasped in surprise and clung to Happy. "W-What?! The council is our enemy?!"

        "No," Crystal let out a scoff. "Though, I rather be taking on them sorry - Nevermind." She stopped with a wary look towards Mest.

        "The enemy is Grimoire Hearts, a dark guild." Carla explained. 

        "Grimoire Hearts?" Natsu echoed. 
        "One of the three big dark guilds, at the corner of the Balam Alliance?!" Happy exclaimed. 
        "Balam Alliance?" Crystal questioned, wincing as she sat on the ground. 

        "It's basically three big dark guilds that are the strongest out of all the dark guilds." Wendy explained softly.
        "What is that?" Pantherlily asked in slightly horror - making everyone look up. A lone figure flies through the sky when suddenly, orbs started dropped from its sides. 

    As the orbs touched the ground, men started to appear - some with weapons and some without. Soon a full circle of men surrounded them - trapping them. 

       "Not another fight. . ." Crystal huffed, grasping her head as her headache got stronger. 

       "Don't worry guys, I got this!" Natsu declared, fist igniting into flames as he started his attack. 
       "Crystal, get over here." Carla ordered from Wendy's and Pantherlily's side. "Let Wendy heal you. You can heal Wendy at the same time."

Following My Beliefs ☁️ Book Three ☁️Where stories live. Discover now