[6] Wanna see us, alive. Where are you now?

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   (Warning; Shitty Chapter ahead.)

     Crystal stumbled back into the clearing where they found Zancrow, Natsu, and Gramps laying. But - thanks to her - it was only Natsu and Gramps there, with Wendy hovering over them trying to heal Natsu. 

        "Put Zancrow's body by the stream." Crystal panted out, falling to her knees beside Wendy. "I was gone for more than 30 minutes trying to make sure that pyro didn't wake up and find us again - how is Natsu not healed yet?"
        "It looks like his wounds were too deep. . ." Carla murmured. "With those wounds, no matter how much Sky magic you use. . .I don't know. Maybe something is interfering with his healing?" 
        "Master. . .Natsu. . ." Happy whimpered. 

        "You keep working on Natsu," Crystal sat closer to her guildmaster, holding her hands out. "You have a better concept of healing than me, so I'll work on Gramps."
    As if hearing his name, the old man opened his eyes to slits and met Crystal's blue eyes before going to Wendy's figure. "Crystal. . .Wendy?"

        "Master!" The sisters cried out together before Crystal gently shoved him down, narrowing her eyes. "Relax, but don't close your eyes! I don't know how bad you're injured, so I need you to stay still - you might have a concussion."

         "I'm. . .fine." Master grunted. "Take care. . .of Natsu."

         "No!! No way!! Crystal and I will help you!! No matter what!!" Wendy shouted, tears pricking her eyes. 

         "Natsu's. . .muffler." Gramps rasped out. "Can you. . .revert it? The evil. . .staining it. . .is interfering with Natsu's healing. . ."
         "I'll do it!!" Wendy declared, hovering her hands over Natsu's now-black muffler. 

         "That creepy guy with black hair got him. . ." Happy explained in vague details. 
         "Could that man be the man Grimoire Heart is searching for. . .Zeref?" Pantherlily asked with hesitance. 

         "Most likely. . ." Crystal hummed before hovering her hands over Gramps. "Don't go to sleep on me, Gramps. Least you could do is that."

         "No promises." He chuckled hoarsely, watching a blue-grey hue cover Crystal's hands. 

  ☁️ ☁️☁️ 

        "I told you not to sleep, you old fart!!" Crystal shouted, at least ten minutes later, to Gramps as he fell back into unconsciousness. And like it was a switch, Natsu lurched forwards back into the real world, breathing heavily. "I didn't tell you to wake up!!"


        "Where's Grandpa?!" Natsu asked in distress, looking around. 
        "Right here," Crystal growled with annoyance. "Asleep, just like I told him not to do!"
        "He still hasn't said anything." Carla added. 

    Natsu glanced down at his muffler before doing a double-take and bring it closer. "Huh?! My muffler!"
        "Wendy brought it back to normal," Happy explained, happy that his partner was awake. "She also fixed your clothes."
         "Thanks, Wendy!" Natsu smiled towards the girl. 
         "It's fine. . ."

    Natsu sniffed the air before going still - eyes narrowed. "This smell!" He jumped up. "I remember this. . .Why is he here?"
         "Who?" The sisters chorused. 

         "Wendy, Crystal, Do you smell the same thing?"

    Simultaneously the sisters sniffed the air. Crystal curled her nose in a grimace at a foul scent that traveled towards her - but it seemed that she was the only one to notice such smell as Wendy answered.  

Following My Beliefs ☁️ Book Three ☁️Where stories live. Discover now