How many times have you stopped yourself from saying something to someone in the fear of hurting them...??
How many times do you retype a message or rephrase your sentences because you know that it will be misunderstood and you will be the one who will be called wrong...??
How many instances have there been where you swallow your words, rethink your sentences and let them be kept as thoughts lingering in the depths of your minds...??
Why do we do such things, why can we not just speak what we feel without the fear of being misunderstood or taken wrongly...??
I feel it's for the simple reason that we care too much about the person in front of us, we care too much to hurt them, care too much that we fear we might lose them...
All because of this fear that holds us back,
This fear that keeps us mum,
This fear that makes us do incomprehensible things...
Struggles & Smiles
PoetryThoughts about life and things that we learn, things that come our way and that life isn't always a bed of roses and all of us have our fair share of thorns to deal with.