Day 4: Favorite Captain

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To be honest it was kinda hard, because most of the captain's not catch my attention. They each have qualities of them that makes them well, them!

Kenpachi has his love for fighting

Kurotshuchi is a freaky scientist

Jushiro is nice and all, I like him, but he's not my favorite. BUT my favorite is a good friend of his.

Kyoraku Shunsei.

First of, I just gotta get this out of the way

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First of, I just gotta get this out of the way. For some reason I find him adorable with his hat off, don't know why.

Second, I liked the guy the moment he had that fight with Chad. He was a playful son of a gun, but he got stuff done when he needed to. He didn't want to hurt anyone, he just wants to drink some sake with them! XD! That's another trait I love about him!

Thirdly, god do I live his zanpoktou ability! To make a child's game reality! How epic is that! It's freaking amazing to think that as a power and he's one of the very few who has not one, but two zanpoktous. //Cough// not really //cough// for those that have read the manga.

 //Cough// not really //cough// for those that have read the manga

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He's so caring towards him Friends. To Nanao, to Lisa, to Jushiro, to everyone around him.

Hey, remember in the zanpoktou filler arc where they were talking about Byakuya and his Zanpoktou?

Hey, remember in the zanpoktou filler arc where they were talking about Byakuya and his Zanpoktou?

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Pfft, that made me chuckle out loud! XD He's all like...

"Damn it, why did you make me think of that little brat?"

And also, I love how his character personality stretched out with so many layers. I love how him and Jushiro act when they hang out.

 I love how him and Jushiro act when they hang out

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I mean, come on. It's so funny when they're together.

And even better if they fight together

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And even better if they fight together. If I had to choose my favorite captain duo, it would be them.

I also love how he fights.

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What I mean by that is even if the situation is serious he's playful which I love in a character

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What I mean by that is even if the situation is serious he's playful which I love in a character. He understands the situation, but he's like...why not have a little fun then?

See ya tomorrow!

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