Chapter 2

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The night didn't end well. My dad heard my yells towards Sarah, he was furious and I was grounded; a week from my phone and all electronics. That's what I get for defending myself.

I slept uncomfortably on the wooden floor, in a sleeping bag. My back feels all warped to no content, like I was twisted uncontrollably throughout the night.

One thing hadn't left my mind throughout all the scrambling yesterday was 'The fallen angels'.

The morning sunlight blared into my eyelids, burning the outer lid making my vision red from the UV lights radiating through the window. Just as I was woken up my curiosity overwhelmed my entire brain, I'm basically hungry for information, but how will I be able to research it if I am banned from using any electronics?

The library? I guess it's what I'm left to do..

Without hesitation; I used my elbows to lift my body up further so my torso was sitting upwards. I blinked quickly to wake myself up better and get clearer vision.

I didn't have the bother to even get dressed into my pajamas last night; I was so worked up about the whole Sarah thing my emotions were just flung all over the place.

I was completely dressed, just not feeling quite decent to go into public. It doesn't matter too much to me anymore, I mean who am I going to meet at the library? Can't be anyone besides old people.

I cautiously wandered down the main stairs careful not to wake anyone. Grabbed my license, wallet, and keys.

I was 18, without my own car so my dads beaten up Volvo is my best bet for a few hours.

Oh dear god where is the library? I raced back into the house I search of the 'yellow book' full of phone numbers and addresses of local stores . It took me a good two minutes to find it , which wasn't too bad considering I hadn't even explored the entire house yet.

I sprinted, tip-toed out the front door, yellow book close in hand. Once safely placed in the cars driver seat, I scouted through the pages for a library.

"80 sun avenue."

After considering where I was there was a pretty vivid mapping of where I had to drive.

Pulling into the parking space in front of the weighed-down library just gave me chills, I have been to a library before but never one like this. It looks abandoned.

I entered the building, waiting to be crept on by some creepy old man, but I was wrong . The inside, unlike the exterior, was welcoming. Children's drawings blanketed the walls, and blue carpet cushioned my boots. I admired the high ceilings, with large beams supporting the weight of the roof and how light and airy the entire interior.

"May I help you?" a crippled lady with light silver hair questioned, sitting beneath my level in her wheel chair.

I guess she's the librarian.

"Uh yes, do you know where I can find books about Fallen angels?"

She froze just looking at my face.

What is she doing, maybe she's having a heart attack.

"Ma'am?" I cleared my throat, & out stretched my hand to place on her shoulder to see how she'd react, or if she would but instead she jolted awake.

"Oh, yes we do" a wrinkled smile curved on her lips.

That was weird.

She wheeled her fragile body around the library as I followed her trail. We entered a section labeled 'mythical'. She ran her finger along the books until grabbing a few thick novels.

"Here are some." She individually handed each the large books in my hands.

"I myself had some encounters with a fallen angel." She added before mysteriously steering herself back to the front desk.

Okay then.

I sat my wallet and keys on the cushioned carpet, as well as my body. I quickly flipped through each individual book, scanning them for anything that seemed to be important. Stone carvings of each detailed image of the fallen angels were uniquely drawn descriptively, yet ever so delicately to each page.

Words above each picture explained the 'fallen angel' concept.

"A fallen angel is a wicked or rebellious angel that has been cast out of Heaven." One page stated, ok but how would they 'thrive' on curse words?

"They are sought after to be workers for the devil. They warp your mind to get their ways, and turn you to evil. "


"You like mythological novels?" A raspy voice called from above me, his face was unable to be seen since he wasn't facing me but other than that, he was decked out in black. His chestnut curls bound inside a black beanie.

He gazed along the books on the shelf, then met his eyes with mine when he had noticed I hadn't answered.

I was drown in his deep emerald green eyes, vivid black outlining his pupil and iris. How unusual, yet gorgeous.

"Uh yea." I blinked fast, stuttering once I realized I was staring straight at him, how awkward. I went back to reading but it seems he still was interested in having a conversation.

"What are you reading?" he questioned, massively towering over my body sprawled on the ground.

"Uh, angels and demons." I checked the title just incase I was wrong, since right now I am dumbfounded by his luscious green eyes.

A look of amusement played in his smirk that was pulled up along one side of his cheeks once the word angel left my lips.

"Angels Hm? What made you want to read that?" He questioned, leaning against the book case.

"Well it's a long story. Kind of." I lied, it wasn't a long story. I just have this weird feeling about this guy, I feel that I shouldn't tell him too much.

"I've got the time." he made his way down to the carpet, sitting comfortably next to me, leaning quite close to my right shoulder. Wow he smells good, is that.. Peppermint?

"So what were you so interested in angels for?"

Why does he care? Even though I do think he is insanely attractive he is kind of freaking me out.

"Uh I don't know, maybe it's how beautiful they are." I made up, trying to cover my lies but I don't think he was buying it.

"Oh come on, you can tell me." he chucked. Jesus, he can read me like an open book.

"Okay, so last night my step mother threatened me when I swore at her and she said something that interested me." I scrambled all into one jumbled sentence, but he seemed to understand.

"Which was?" He urged me to continue.

"She said, 'the fallen angels thrive on curse words.' " I looked from my boots over to his eyes. They seemed to be darker green than I saw before.

"Oh ." He breathlessly spoke in a hushed, seductive voice.

"So. what's your name." I whipped my head back around, awkwardly staring at my boots again.

"Harry. What's yours?" His devilish smirk returned, I could feel his stare boring into my neck.

"My names Bo." I genuinely smiled. I think I just suddenly warmed up to this guy.

Finally once in almost forever I made a friend and they don't know my back story.

There's just something outspokenly different about this man that just makes me want to shiver & run for cover.

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I'm starting school again which means tests and mid terms so please be patient for an update (:

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