Chapter 4

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"Hey doll face." Harry stated in a hushed tone, but loud enough for me to hear him. Chillingly alerting my senses not to respond, but I pushed all disagreeing thoughts away.

How is he here anyways? I mean, I thought he wasn't even existent. I convinced my conscience he was my imagination.

Either way, how did he find me?

Should I just ignore him?

No I can't do that, it wouldn't work.

What should I say? Should I just get ready, write a note and leave?

No this time I'll be back before anyone is awake, and it'll all be alright .

"You okay?" he questioned, his British accent slicing the thick darkness.

"how did you find my house? "

" you gave me your address.. "

I did? What.  How. Am I going insane?

"Are you going to come down or do I have to leave.?"

"Yea, Ok, hold on I'll be right down." I quickly responded, closing the window and frantically scouting through unpacked boxes for fresh clothes.

Within minutes I was ready, or at least I thought. Getting dressed in pitch black darkness was not as easy as it may sound.

The creaking floor boards were not on my side, they creaked as they barely supported my weight, echoing the loud sound throughout the house.

I could only hope that it didn't wake anyone.

Once I made it out the front door I moved my feet to the back of the house where Harry was waiting.

As I approached his tall figure, chills once again sprung through my spine uncontrollably.

His hands were slid into his tight skinny jeans pockets, the beanie previously containing his chestnut curls was still placed on his head.

A black, leather jacket kept his fit torso snug in this crisp winter weather .

He looked so warm, all his skin tucked inside the jacket; it was extremely cold out here in the brisk winter air, oh what I wouldn't do to have a jacket.

Among my last-minute scrambling I didn't have the common sense to grab a coat.

It mesmerized me how much detail I could pick out on him in the limited amount of light I was given from the moon.

"If you take a picture it will last longer." he chuckled, pulling his lips into a playful smirk.

God damn, I did it again; I was staring at him.

"I'm sorry.." I apologized, awkwardly tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear, peering shyly at my shoes, sinking into the stiff, dead grass beneath my feet.

"For what? I don't blame you for staring. Not many people get to see an-" He caught his breath, seeming to go pale and loose his calming appearance.

What was he going to say? It must not have been too important. Right?

I rubbed my hands together, constricting the diminishing heat woven within my skins pores.

"My cars right here." He quickly suggested, strolling away from the house and towards his black car, camouflaged with the harsh darkness.

"What? Oh ok." I stated a bit confused, he must have been a bit considerate of me, because I was freezing .

"You just looked cold. I didn't want to have to give you my jacket ." He covered his emotions as if battling with my thoughts, continuing to stroll to the drivers car door without pressing eye contact with me.

Fallen Angel {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now