Chapter 3

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"So you live around here?" Harry asked, curiously.

"Yea actually my dad moved me out here yesterday."

"Oh. Do you like it?"


I simply answered without thinking about it really. I know I haven't even been here to explore much but who could blame me? I live in the middle of no where; there must not be that much to do.

Harry seemed to notice my anger towards all this because he changed the subject all around.

"Would you like to hang out with me tomorrow? I could show you around."

I couldn't do that, I'm grounded. Plus my dad would be furious about me going around with a questionable guy like Harry.

I practically know nothing about him.

I looked into his eyes, sorrow in mine.

"I-" I started but after gazing for a few moments I couldn't get my lips to say no. Jesus, he is so manipulative.

"I'm sure I can." My voice sprung out. I, myself was alarmed at what I said. The thought of going out into the deep woods alone with this guy never crossed my mind at how mysterious it is, and I don't even know if I can take it back now.

"Great. I'll pick you up at midnight." he winked, growing a smirk on his face. A fading dimple carved deeply into his cheek adorably. My eyes stayed glued to his tall figure as he stood to his feet and walked out of the library.

How could he pick me up if he doesn't even know where I live. We barely talked about ourselves, the few conversations we had together was mainly about the book I was reading and how I liked it out here .

Maybe I should just forget about him, I doubt I will ever see him again.

I closed the books that were heavily placed on my lap and stood to my feet. Numbness flew through my legs, pins and needles threatened to sting if I didn't move. I carried the books close to my chest up to the front desk.

"Thank you for showing me these books." I smiled placing them on the desk.

"Oh your welcome, thank you for coming. No one has come this week besides you." she mimicked my smile wheeling over to put some books away on the shelves.

Wait. I thought Harry was here? He was, wasn't he?

I followed her, I need to clear this up. Why does she think I was the only person here ? Harry was clearly here, he only left a few minutes ago.

"Excuse me but didn't a tall man leave here a few minutes ago?"

She paused from putting the books on the shelf, and turned her chair towards me.

"I don't believe so." A confused look appeared on her face; trying to think about if there was even a man here.

How could she miss him? he is so tall, and unforgettable..

"I'm sorry ma'am but I was just talking to him."

"But I look at the security cameras all day if I'm not putting away books. There was no man in here."

What the hell. Am I sleeping?

I must be delusional or something, but I could swear to god I was just talking with a man.

I just was..

I began to question my own ability to imagine things, I really don't have that much of an imagination. Well, not enough to think up a guy like Harry.


I drove back to the house, hoping and praying that my dad and Sarah weren't awake or else I will be in even more trouble than I could imagine.

I would worry about Harry coming at midnight like he said but, all facts say he's not coming; or that he's even existent.

Trying to park silently wasn't an option apparently, considering the condition of this Volvo nothing I could do would be sneaky enough.

The dirt and gravel of the driveway ground together, slowly maneuvering the wheels up to the house.

Instantly, almost upon cue, the front door flew open, revealing none other than my dad.

Jesus, can I just have a break?

Not only is he going to flip out that I took the only car around here for miles, but I left without asking; while I was grounded. Now that I confess to myself, I understand why he would be so mad..

He jogged his towering body over to the car window, having to lean to his knees to see my sorrowful face.

I rolled the window down, awaiting our screaming match to take place.

"Bo noel Johnson. What in the fucking hell were you doing?"

I tried to explain but I couldn't find the right time to butt in, he just kept rambling on.

"You took the only car and didn't even bother to leave a note? What would I do if Sarah or I had to leave? we couldn't possibly walk, it's too far of a distance to even get to the nearest neighbor!"

"Get out of the car." He stammered, lowering his shouting to try and stay calm.

Oops, I was still in the car..

He backed away from the car window, allowing me to pull my body out of the drivers seat.

"Get in the house, go to your room. Sarah had the decency to set up your bed for you." his voice defiantly calmer than before, soothing my tightening nerves from his concentrated anger.

I did as told and headed for my room, nothing that I could say would have put me in a better position to not get in trouble.


I stumbled up the main steps, gradually making it to the top and taking the right hall to lead to my room.

I was surprised that my bed was indeed set up, but I had the common sense to believe that Sarah couldn't have done it. She just doesn't have the patience or eye-hand ordinance to set up a big piece of furniture like this.

Slouching my body on the mattress I sighed, I wonder what time it is?

B y the height and color of the sky I could tell it must have been about 4:00 in the afternoon.


I slumbered around my room, just doing whatever comes to mind to entertain myself.

A few hours past and once again it was time for dinner.

I didn't have the guts to handle the awkward conversations to be taking place at the table so I asked to eat my food in my room. My dad agreed, he must feel the same way and not want to talk to me at the moment.


With midnight soon approaching a knot couldn't help but form in my stomach. Just the feeling that something was going to happen haunted my mind.

The deep darkness seeped over the trees, gradually sinking over the grassy field and closer to the house. Leaving my room to absorb the darkness.

Effortlessly I heard something being flung at the window, a rock? I stumbled through the darkness, reaching the window. A dark figure was placed outside beneath my window, the mans moonlit face gleamed and glistened, beautifully.

Who is that?

Oh my god.

Harry .

So sorry this was insanely short .

I got to go back to studying ugh.

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