Chapter 1

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If only I could escape this world, escape to a new one. One where I wasn't considered the 'freak of nature'. Apparently my consternation for my looks aren't enough to cover my actions. If I close my eyes really tight, I may be able to leave all this drama.

Please. I need a miracle.

"Bo can you bring the last of the boxes in. Then you can sleep." My eyes rolled in irritation. My dad just needs to get the message that I need to be alone, but nothing can get past his thick, brainless skull.

I opened the car door, flopping my feet to the dirt ground beneath my feet. A cloud of dark, mucky smoke erupted from the engine and into my nose. Why can't he get this stupid piece of scrapped metal fixed.

I slammed the door shut, in some way to get attention & show my rebel hiding within me. On no level was I happy with moving away, I had just gotten used to my school and that's when my dad thought it was a perfect time to 'pop the question' with his fiancé, Sarah.

They decided to move out here into complete no-where and start 'fresh'.

I moved my feet slowly to the trunk, bringing up the dust filled in the dirt packed to the ground due to weathering. Grabbing a few of the lighter boxes I made my way into the worn house.

What exactly my dad saw in this beaten down house mesmerized my mind, putting me in a complete state of oblivion. He was never the type to go out in the middle of a forest to live in an ancient house, and I assume neither was Sarah.

I entered the house, stepping into the door frame and into the main entrance Vaulted ceilings echoed the voices throughout the house, ghostly haunting my ears. I expect the house to be blown down in an instant during a wind storm, or maybe the roof will collapse when it rains. Whatever it is that knocks it down I just don't want to think about.

"Oh my god Daniel! a mouse!" Sarah squealed from the kitchen, it has only been two minutes at the least and she's already been frightened by a minuscule mouse. Maybe we will move back after all.

My dad came racing out from the right hall next to the main entrance.

I was still standing in my place admiring the massive ceilings towering over me, just waiting to get settled and find my room.

"Oh there you are Bo." he sighed, striding over to my side. Geez I've only been outside for a minute and he's acting like it's been years.

"You can go pick whatever room you'd like, just as long as it's not in the basement or on the first floor. Sarah needs two rooms for herself. I have to go check on her.. and set mouse traps."

And with that , thoughtful, conversation he left without any other words. I just brushed it off like always and walked over to the wide stairs in front of my petite body.

After finally living to make it up to the second floor there were two different halls to either side upon reaching the top of the stairs. I chose to explore the hall to my right. The wooden floorboards barely supported my weight, creaking beneath my boots frightening me with every step. That's going to need some getting used to.

There was a small, half-piece bathroom on the left then directly to the right was a rather decent sized bedroom.

A single window was fit into it's wooden frame, the scene outside was looking out over the large field and dense woods a few achors behind it. At the moment, the sun was setting, large blended colors of deep heavenly orange and reds beautifully blanketed the sky.

Turning my attention to the rest of the room there was a small closet, the plain white walls, stained with dust marks and cobwebs practically woven into each corner defined the age of the house. Defiantly needing a fresh coat of paint and some sprucing up, I could feel my heart warming up to what I imagine it to look like after.

I settled the boxes on the floor outside my claimed room, making the dust partials clump into a dust cloud causing my lungs to throw out air in a spastic coughing fit.

"Hey doll face, you alright?" my uncle chuckled, rounding the top of the stairs with 5 or 6 boxes piled one on top of the other.

"Yes, just peachy." I coughed, waving my hand in front of my face to clear the dust away from me. He continued about his business down the left hall and through a door.

I wonder what's down there.

I stood to my feet, walking past the stairs and down the left hall. There was one door on the left, leading up into the attic I assume, by looking at the stairs leading into darkness.

I wonder what's going up there?

I placed my foot on the first step to lift my body off the second floor & further into the attic.

"Uncle Ricky?" I called, suddenly feeling a wisp of chilling winter air glide along my bare skin. I slung my arms along my chest trying to keep my skin from erupting in goosebumps.

As my head poked into the darkness I peered around the large empty space up there. My curiosity grew, what was in the darkness? Probably nothing, plus my uncle will take advantage of the wary darkness & scare me out of my wits!

The only minuscule light was shown through a slit in the wood, allowing the orange, fading sunset outside to shine through it.

Ok, nothing to see here. I twisted my body around to wobble my way back to the stairs.

I left the attic & was making my way over to my room; the creaking floor boards gave away my where abouts.

"Bo! come down stairs, dinners ready!" Sarah's voice boomed up the vaulted ceilings, ringing in my ears. I didn't bother replying, I just kept walking to my empty room. And besides, I'm never going to eat dinner with her, she's been on high alert since we got here.

"Bo! I said get down here." She stated clearly getting annoyed with me, now she understands how I feel around her.

What is she going to do to me if I don't? It's my choice if I don't want to eat right now .

Footsteps started up the old, rickety stairs. Here comes the devil itself.

And the awaited knock on the door echoed and bounced off the walls in my room.

"Bo, can you come down stairs and eat with your father and I like a normal family." Her voice was slightly muffled since she was behind the door.

A normal family? we are far from normal, she actually 'topped the cake'.

"We will never be normal." I kept my body sat on the dusted floor, twisting a stray piece of my chestnut brown hair between my fingers.

"I know you don't like me-" she opened the door, standing inside the door frame.

"That's an understatement." I cut in between her sentence, I offended her clearly by the discussed look on her face. Without a word Sarah walked further into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Listen here. I am going to marry your father , he has the money I need." she viciously whispered, wrapping her large fur coat further around her chest.

"What a bitch, you belong in hell!" I yelled a little louder than I indented, loud enough for it to be continuously echoed down to the first floor.

"You shouldn't say that. You know what they say. The Fallen Angels thrive on curse words." and with that she whipped around and out the door without another word.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? ' The fallen angels thrive on curse words?'

And what are 'Fallen Angels' anyways?

What do you think? Sorry this was long and boring, I just wanted to give some background information (:

Harry will be in the next chapter (;

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