Ellie's POV
It's been a year since Niall and I had our little fight. But since then I've made a new friend. Liann, she's everything I could ask for in a friend but I still kind of miss Niall. But it's nice to have a friend that's a girl. Well back to Niall. Where can I start oh yea. Niall changed so much he got a few tattoos, a piercing, he has a group, and he became the heart breaker of the school. And the blonde bimbo became his little pet. And the little "group" he has are supposedly the bad boys and players of the school. There's Zayn, Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall. And did I mention that I haven't talked to Niall since. The idea of it just discusses me and every time we pass each other he looks at me and then just doesn't say anything and walks away. But I'm just going to try and forgot about all that and focus on myself and my new best friend.
"So El which store you wanna go to next?"
"Anything but Holister cause you are obsessed." I chuckled.
"It's called being in love."
"Ok" I laughed.
We headed towards the next door that Liann had in mind and of coarse it was Abercrombie & Fitch. We headed inside and the smell of that strong smelling perfume surrounded the air. We were shopping to go to one of the "bad boys party". I didn't want to go but Liann insisted because her crush, all so member of the group, Harry Styles invited her. Soooo we were looking for an outfit. Well actually Liann already had her outfit planned and I was just looking around waiting for an idea to pop into my head. Liann's outfit was fabulous. Her idea was to have high waisted pants and a cute sweater tucked in. She was also going to wear her cute vans. As we looked around I saw a streak of familiar blonde pop out from the side. It looked....but it couldn't be..oh no....shit why now...ugh. Niall.
"Uh Li?"
"Can we go look in a different store?"
"No hold on my sweater has to be in here somewhere."
"Yea but you know who else is here?"
"Unless if it's Harry Styles i don't want to know"
"What it it's Niall frickin Horan?" I said through clenched teeth.
"Ohh then yea go hide in a fitting room and wait for me there."
"Good idea i just try need to be careful not to bump into him."
I grabbed something quickly and headed towards the fitting rooms but as soon as I was walking towards the door I dropped the dress I had in my hands. Someone grabbed it before I could. I looked up and saw that it was.....Niall.
"Oh um thank you" i lightly smiled. Right when I was about to leave that area Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him. He looked so different, more mature, taller, and even cuter. He had tattoos all over his body and a piercing on his lip, and his hair was not the flippy wavish type anymore, his hair was styled into a quiff. And he had strong arms. He had muscles.
"So um how have you been?" he let go of my arm.
"Fine.....so um my friend Harry is having a party and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"
"Uh sure...thank you"
"No problem and that dress would look perfect on you, but please don't wear it."
"Just don't"
"I was actually planning on wearing it already. And plus I don't have to listen to what you tell me." and with that I walked away and into the dressing room. I looked at the size of the dress and it was my size. I tried it on and it looked good but it was a little to short and the design was a sparkly body con dress. But I didn't care I was going to wear it whether Niall liked it or not.