Liann's POV
I heard a knock on my door and I went to go check it. As I opened the door some random person came in and just kissed me, I looked up to see it was Cameron. Tears fell down my cheeks.
"Don't cry gorgeous." I pushed him off and I wasn't thinking.
"I already have a boyfriend." I saw his face get red.
"Who?!" he yelled while grabbing my wrist.
"Horan!" he yelled. I nodded my head and he dragged me into his car.
Niall's POV
El finally left inside the bathroom and something kept running through my mind. Why didn't she say I love you back? Does she not like me? then the door interrupted my thoughts. I ran down the stairs and finally reached the door, I opened the door and a fist came in contact with my face. Everything was blurry and I heard screaming and yelling then I heard Ellie's beautiful voice.
Ellie's POV
As I got out of the shower I got dressed and when I was done I heard yelling and screaming. I ran downstairs to find Niall unconscious on the floor. I looked up to find Cameron and Liann standing in the doorway.
"What the fuck happened?!" I yelled.
"Your fucking man whore happened!" Cam yelled back.
"What are you talking about?"
"Tell her Liann" I looked over at Liann who had a guilty look on her face.
" is my boyfriend."
"What?!" I said. Out of nowhere I broke down crying. Cam went to his car and Liann stayed just looking straight at me. She tried to hug me but I pushed her away. I was still furious as to way she would do that.
"Sorry" she said and walked away. I heard a grunt and I saw Niall slowly sitting up.
"El?" he said softly.
"What" he looked up at me and quickly stood up.
"What's wrong babe?" he said while touching my cheek. I turned my head.
"Leave me alone Niall." I looked back at him and I saw hurt in his eyes.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Yes Niall! You screw everything up! I'm leaving ok and....don't ever talk to me!" I yelled while moving up the stairs and grabbing all of my stuff. I then heard footsteps behind me and I found myself being pinned up against the wall.
"Look at me Elizabeth." I didn't even bother to move. He then brought his hand up to my chin and moved my head so I can look at him.
"Tell me what's wrong."
"Niall you made me think you actually loved me and you made me fall for you even more. I wish I knew it was just a big fat fucking lie! Everything was! You bastard why didn't you tell me!" I yelled and then fell on the floor just crying.
"Tell you what? It wasn't a lie, I really do love you. For a long time actually." he whispered the last part loud enough for me to hear.
"Then why did you do it?" i sniffled.
"I'm still confused about what I did" he chuckled.
"Look its fine if your dating Liann I..." he cut me off.
"Me DATING Liann!" he bursted out laughing.
"Look I know Lianns gorgeous and all but one she's your best friend and two I'm already in love with someone."
"Then why would she lie?"
"I think I might know why but let her tell you" I nodded my head and asked him one last question.
"So who are you in love with?"
Imma leave it there cause yaaa but I'll try to update the next chapter tomorrow. Btw I'm sorry if this chapter is kind of....blah....