Ellie's POV
Now I was the one blushing. Then Niall leaned in and kissed my cheek. I was positive I was red as a tomato.
"You want to know something El?"
"Your gorgeous." I started blushing and then felt his hand trail up my face. He then brought his face closer to mine. Until the door bell rang.
"Uhh my goshhh." Niall groaned.
"Don't worry just go check who it is" he stood up stomping towards the door. When he opened the door he took a few steps back and looked at me sad.
"What's wrong?" I stood up and went towards the door to find a too smiley and bubbly Cameron.
"Heyyyyy y'all. Niall ma man lemme ask youuuu something. Uh....you got a bae or nah?" he slurred.
"What happened?" Niall asked.
"I drank a few. Why?" he then turned to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.
"El how have you been? By the way can we go out sometime?"
"I have a bo.....well I'm seeing someone." he let go of me and turned around to face Niall.
"You fucking douche" Cam pushed Niall. Niall took Cam off of him by pulling him from his shirt. Then Cam looked at me and went out the door angrily.
"Why would you make him mad Niall?" I questioned him a bit upset.
"I didn't he's the one......"
"NO! now I'm not gonna know if he's ok or not thanks to you and your temper!"
"Elizabeth! Calm down he was drunk! I didn't even fight back!"
"Fine if you care about him so much, then get out of my house and go run after him. But remember that i was not the one who got drunk and broke someone's heart or the one who got another person angry." I was shocked about what he said about the heart part. I couldn't handle my emotions so I ran out and just headed to my other good friend's house. Liann.
Sorry it was short. This probably wasn't one of my best chapters. But I promise I'll do better in the next one.