Ellie's POV
I woke up in a strange room. I couldn't really recognize where I was but all I knew was that the room was white. I then heard a beep like noise coming from the side of the room. I reckon that the noise was coming from the monitor next to me. With my eyes I traced the cord to see where it led. The cord finished and it ended up attached to my arm. I was shocked. I looked around the room one more time and saw that it was a hospital room. I then started to get last nights memory and all I can remember is up to the part where I was on the stairs. I also remember what Niall did. Right when I was about to think through last nights memory someone barged in the room. Niall.
"Ellie your awake! How are you?" I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him so all i said was.
"I'm fine"
"Oh my god El did you get memory loss or something?"
"No Ni I'm fine"
"I've missed you" as he said that he went in to give me a hug but I refused and pushed him away.
"What's wrong?" I didn't want to tell Niall about how I'm feeling about him right now cause I know he would feel guilty and probably start to tear.
"Nothing's wrong"
"El please tell me."
"Do you remember anything that happened at the party?"
"Well not really because all of it was a big blur. But the only thing I can remember is you falling" if he can remember that he can probably remember what he did to me.
"Do you remember anything?" he asked
"Yes I remember everything clearly" I didn't mean to say it in an attitude but my anger towards him got the best of me.
"I..I'm sorry I made you mad"
"Niall I can't deal with this right now...I have a lot of things on my mind. Can we talk bout this later?"
"Talk about what?"
"Oh you heard that?"
"Yes of coarse I did"