Ellie's POV
I felt two hands on my waist. I jumped because I was scared and then I heard. a chuckle. I turned around to find Niall on the floor crying because of how much he's laughing.
"Niall" I said angrily
"Ye....ye...yes" he managed to say
"Oh look at your phone lets see who texted" I lied
"Wait what" I grabbed his phone but then I fell on my bed with him pinning me down.
"Give me the phone El"
"How your holding on to my hands and your phone is on the table" I said while giggling.
"Oh" he got off me and went to get his phone then he sat back down on the bed with his phone while I grabbed my straightener and began to curl my hair with it making it look like a wind swept look. When I was done it was about 6:40 something.
"Are you done?" Niall said while looking up from his phone.
"Yea I think so. How do I look?"
"Like Cinderella."
"Awww thank you Ni. Your looking cute yourself."
"Thank you, you want to go watch a movie downstairs we still have almost an hour left?"
"Sure. Ni?"
"Can you carry me down the stairs, before I trip and fall ?"
"I'd love to see you fall. But okay"
I hopped on Niall's back and he walked down the stairs and dropped me on the couch.
Niall's POV(yay)
I dropped Ellie on the couch and went to pick a movie. I decided on getting a scary movie called The Ward. It sounded decent so I got it and inserted it in the DVD player. I had a bad feeling about the party but she wanted to go. She looked beautiful and no one can compare to all her little things.
"So which movie did you put?"
"The Ward"
"Oh..I've been wanting to see that since I got it."
Ellie came closer to me but I wanted her to be closer so i pulled her closer with my arm. Half an hour passed of the movie and Ellie kept jumping. It was pretty scary, but not really so much. It was 7:20 right now and we were both still wide awake.
"Niall" her sweet voice said
"What if something goes wrong at the party?"
"Don't worry I'll be there for you"
"You better be"
"Don't worry..oh by the way its 7:40 we should probably head out"
"Ok but when we come back were finishing this movie"
I grabbed the keys from the counter and Ellie grabbed her cute black bow purse. We headed to the care and I opened the door for her. The car ride to the party was silent but not awkward so I turned on the radio and my favorite song "Viva La Vida" came on and Ellie and I sang the lyrics loudly.
When we got to the party, we both got out and I put my arm around her waist. There was people drunk outside and the music was on blast. We walked in and the smell of beer and cigarettes hit are noses. Then I saw a tall guy wearing a jersey for my soccer team walking over to us. I then realized it was Chris. Let the party begin.