Ellie's POV
I didn't want to wear the dress but...i had to. My phone vibrated so I reached down to get it from my sweater.
Where r u!!!!!
In the dressing room
No really 😑 WHICH ONE!!!
Ohhh um the last one I think ☺️
"Well open the door"
"Woah dam I didn't know you were going to go with that"
"Oh yea I didn't either" I looked down and mumbled the last part. I didn't really want to tell Liann about my little encounter with Niall and I hope she didn't see us.
"By the way what did Niall say?" ugh great.
"Um we just talked."
"About?" she smirked and winked at me.
"I know you would want to hear that but what you wanted to hear didn't happen"
"Then what happened?"
"Niall asked me to go to the party I said ok and that's it."
"You sure?"
"Ok cause you seem a little tense"
"Oh well"
"So are you going to wear that dress?"
"You just have to be careful. Cause you never know if someone would want to look up." she laughed
"I will be."
We were walking towards the store Pacsun because Liann wanted her high waisted pants. But something caught my attention so I stopped walking.
"What's wrong?"
I guided her with my eyes and she also gasped. We were watching Niall with another girl and the girl kept kissing down his neck while he moaned but he kept starring at me. It was disgusting and it kind of broke my heart. I pulled Liann towards Pacsun so I didn't have to see that. She looked at me and said,
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be" I looked down and looked back at her and she looked back.
"Don't worry let's get my outfit and your shoes and we'll head out to your house so you can do ma makeup."
I smiled lightly at her and said,
We got her pants and I got these converse like shoes and we drove back to my house. I sat all of my stuff at the corner of my room and Liann sat hers at the other side. There was still 2 hours till the party so I told Liann I was going to take a shower. I took a shower and put on the dress. We had about 1 hour left so thankfully Liann already had her clothes on. I put on my socks and shoes. I then did my makeup first. It wasn't much. I had a white shadow on the inner corners of my eyes and had a light brown on my eye lids and then I put a darker brown on my crease then applied mascara and eyeliner. Then I went to Liann and put mascara and eyeliner. We both took a look in the mirror and were satisfied with are looks . There was only about half an hour left till the party so we just looked through Instagram and vine. But then I remembered how stupid I was cause I forgot to do my hair. I wasn't in the mood for anything special so I just put my hair into a messy bun. Liann already had her hair ready, it was done and straightened. It was time for the party so I grabbed my phone and Liann got hers. Harry's house wasn't so far so we walked. We were just a few steps from his house and already you can hear the music blast. When we got there people were talking and were drunk outside. It was actually pretty cold so I put on the black cardigan I brought with me. I remembered the last time I came to a party. It didn't turn out so great cause I ended up losing my best friend. I hadn't realized that Liann pulled me because we were already on the step of the house. Harry then came out drunk and gave Liann a tight hug and kissed her.........on the.....cheek. He did the same to me, except without the kiss. Liann and I walked with Harry through the sweaty crowd and found some spots on the couch.
"Hey El are you going to drink?" Liann asked.
"No. Why?"
"So then I can drink and if I get drunk you would be able to take care of me and we would be home safe." I laughed at her suggestion and I agreed to it. Harry pulled her and grabbed a red cup full of who knows what and gave it to her. By then you could tell that they were both drunk. Harry started dancing and Liann, drunk of coarse, started grinding on him. Apparently he liked it cause he then started kissing down her neck. I went up to Harry and took his hand and started twirling him around so nothing would get way to heated up. Once he got over it I sat down and he kissed Liann and left while tripping all over the place. Liann sat back down and started mumbling god knows what. Then I saw Niall and a blonde girl was grinding on him while he held a cup on his hand. I was furious that I couldn't do anything about it. Then I felt someone trip over my foot which made me loose my train of thought. It was harry. I started to laugh and he sat down giving me the death glare. He put his arm around Liann and she fell asleep on him then he out his head on hers and I guess he fell asleep to. I got up from the coach and headed towards the kitchen to get a drink.
"Hey" I turned around to find one of my guy friends from school. His name was Justin but I call him Jus. He was cute but I didn't like him.
"Uh hi"
"So did you come here with Liann or..?"
"Yea I did"
I then heard someone clear there throat. I looked to the side to see who it was....of coarse....Niall.
"Hey mate" Justin said to him. I told Justin everything but about Niall. So he didn't know not to talk to him.
"Hi...hey El" I looked up at his eyes and god did those eyes make me melt.
"Um El I'll see you later. Text me though." I looked over to Justin and said,
"Uh yea sure bye" he gave me a hug and left.
"So um are you guys like a thing now?"
"Me and Justin?.....no"
"Oh ok good"
"Uh yea"
"I see you got the dress"
"Oh yea i did"
"Those shoes give a nice touch to it"
"Thank you"
"Why did you where makeup you would've looked twice as beautiful without it" I said his sentence in my head a few times and I guess I started blushing cause he mumbled while looking at the floor,
"God how I miss your blushes." he put his hands in his pockets and said,
"Well I'll see you around babe."
"Uh yea ok bye." and with that he left. Ugh why?