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Author's Note: Here we go again...

Christmas Special
December 24 & 25

I woke up on the couch to find out it was snowing outside! All of our classmates and us don't have to go to school because these weeks  are a school holiday.

It was December 24, Christmas Eve. I ran to Miku's room to wake her up.

"Miku! Wake up! It's snowing, and we need to go shopping!" She rubbed her eyes as she slowly stood up.

"Good morning..." She probably didn't hear a word I said...

"Hey sleepy head. Get dressed before we leave please."
"Okay..." I changed into my usual clothes I like to wear away from her because I'm no peeper.

We had to get to Walmart or Target for actual clothing we need for this type of weather before the snow piles up too high. I put on my coat, socks, and shoes. I prepared Miku's coat too.

"Are you done changing?"
"Yes." She was behind me...
"Okay, here's your coat and let's go!"

I called for another Uber, wishing for a nice person this time. I asked him to take us to the nearest Target and we were there in a few minutes. I payed him the money and I looked for clothes for us.

Miku's POV

I don't know why Adrian is so excited today, it was just snowing outside, that's all, unless that wasn't what he was thinking.

While we were walking, I started to ask a few questions:

"Why were you so excited this morning?" He looked at me as if I just asked the most stupid question ever.
"Because it's Christmas Eve, and tomorrow everyone gets gifts from the ones you love and from Santa. I can't wait to see what you get me." I blushed. He confessed to me without knowing.

He noticed me blushing, and then I blushed deeply. I'm so embarrassed!
"Just think about what gift you think would be great for me." I stopped blushing when I actually started to think about it.

I know Adrian has a sweet tooth, so I might as well buy chocolate, but it has to be his absolute favorite kind. I'll just buy an expensive box of chocolates from here.

I looked around for an expensive box. I spotted one called Ferrero Rocher and I just grabbed it without him noticing. I hid it behind my back.

I didn't realize Adrian was already paying for coats, scarves, hats, mittens, and boots. I wonder how he knew my size...

When he was holding the bags, he walked to the front door and called out to me. I told him to go ahead.

I bought the chocolates and managed to find wrapping paper. I brought my own money because I think he said we were going shopping, and here we are.

The cashier said Merry Christmas to me, and I caught up to Adrian, who was on his phone again, calling an Uber. I slid the chocolate into a bag and held the wrapping paper.

The Uber was here, and we returned to our apartment. I saw him texting someone, and it had to be that Harmony girl... I learned this emotion is called jealousy. I grabbed his phone to find out it was!

"Are you cheating on me?!" I was a bit louder than expected.
"No! I was texting everyone Merry Christmas!" I checked his phone, and he was... I overreacted.
"I would never do that, and you know it." I blushed again.

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