Two - Hide for the Better

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A/n so I'm bringing the 1d boys in as a side characters

I just wanna update because I just really like this idea for the a book 😭😭

Liam's pov

"PUT THAT DOWN!" I hiss at Louis because their messing around with something in this haunted house. I hear the door slam.

I felt Zayn tense up because he is next to me. "Liam what was that?" Zayn asks me.

"Fuck this, I'm out Liam, see you at school." Harry says and runs towards the staircase.

Louis runs after Harry. "HAROLD COME BACK!" He screams through the hallways.

Niall and Zayn look at me. "I guess we should be going?" Zayn asks me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Oh fuck no I'm out." Niall says walking out. Zayn and I follow the blonde as he tries to catch up to Harry and Louis who was going down the stairs. I hear a girl scream, who else is here or is that a ghost. We walk down the stairs and I see 4 boys and 4 girls standing there.

I roll my eyes. Teenagers these days. "Hey who are you?" I ask  girl with the camera.

I look at her and the group. "I'm Karina." She says. "And you are?" She asks me.

"Payne, Liam. Liam Payne." I said with raise my eyebrow. "My friends and I will be leaving right now so have fun." I say as I drag out everyone from that creepy place.

"Cmon Leeyum." Louis says.

"That's not my name its Liam, Lewis." I said with a smirk.

"It's Louis not Lewis. Say it with me Lou-ee." Louis says giving me a pronunciation.

"Stop and let's the fuck out of here." Zayn says taking his car keys out. We head down the road.

Luke's pov

After the encounter with the five boys. I kinda found it strange how they all left after they find found us here. "I don't wanna do this anymore." I say as I walk towards the door. I try to open it.

"What happened not being scary Lukey?" Jasmine says standing against the wall. The door isn't going and I'm kinda scared. Maybe more than kinda I'm shit scared. I see a couple coming down the stairs.

"OH FUCK NO!" I scream as they come closer. The couple is laughing at us. Ashton turns around to face them.

"Oh hello there." He say all calmly but you know he's scared.

"Hi." The lady says. "Since your into our house trespassing, we decide to play a game." She says with a teeth smile.

"What's the game?" Michael asks them.

The lady look at the man and nodded. "Hide and seek." He says with a smile.

"As in hide and if you get found first you be it?" Jessica says laughing.

"No!" The lady screams, the window had shattered. "This is how we play with you guys trespassers, our definition of hide and seek you have sixty seconds to hide or we going to kill you." She says with a smile.

"Oh shit." Ashton says. This is why we should've left but no one listens to me. I'm going blame Jasmine if I die.

"Counting will begin in five seconds so please get ready to hide." The lady says with a smile. Some creepy demon voice started counting up from one. I dash to the upstairs and into a room with a closet. I'm just hide in the closet, I see Ashton running with Karina a camera.

"Luke!" Ashton whispers.

"I'm in here." I said with a light tone. I hear feet coming to me, the door opens and there is Ashton and Karina. Karina looks out of breath, like I mean that kid doesn't run for shit. Ashton looks fine. I sure that Karina is regretting coming here.

"Here we are!" The lady screams after sixty. I'm wondering how is everyone is doing because some of us is going to die.


Y'all it's going get interesting next chapters coming up, I have shit plan.

Yes 7 of them will died and only 1 will survive. I hadn't decide who's going to survive but I ideas who I want.

See you guys soon!


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