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I carried Gerard back to my house. I almost hit his head on the door while walking in.
"Frank?" I heard my mother question.
"Yes ma, I'm home. I'm gonna go up to my room, okay?"
"Okay, just be down in time for dinner."
"I will be."
I carried Gerard up the stairs and into my room. I set him down on my bed and covered him up so he wouldn't freeze to death.
I woke up next to Gerard. I looked at the clock, 3:15. I didn't want to wake him. He looked like he hadn't slept long last night, and he looked so perfect when sleeping.
I let him be. I curled up closer to him, wrapping my arms around his small, fragile body. I held him close. While holding him, I realized something. He had a small body. Like, too small. He needed to eat, or he was going to die. And I loved him to much to let him die. I got up, and looked at him sleeping. His eyes, the way the were closed, but sfill so alert, it scared me. But then it occured to me, Gerard didn't look normal, like ever. I knew he was going through a lot but I didn't realize he would've turned to drugs. My poor baby. Did I just call him mine? I did. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that I need to wake him up and get him some dinner.
Before I get the chance to wake him up, he starts yelling and crying in his sleep. I try to wake him up but it's not working. He wakes himself up ever so quickly and looks over at me, tears in his eyes. I look into his perfect, but yet broken hazel eyes and he wraps his arms around me tight. He buries his head in my chest and cries hard. I run my fingers through his hair. "Shh, darling, you'll be okay, Gerard, I promise you'll be okay."
Gerard's POV
In my dream, no, in my nightmare, Mikey is trying to save me. The drugs, they're killing me and there is nothing I can do to save myself at this point. I'm starting to fall, and Mikey grabs my hand and tries to pull me up, all he does is fall backwards into a large hole in the middle of the room, but before he falls, he pulls me back up to safety. I'm crying because my only brother, my only fucking brother, is gone. I'm yelling and screaming, this has to be a dream. I'm trying to wake myself up but I'm shaking. Finally, the shaking stops and I wake up. I sit up and look over at Frank and wrap my arms around him as tight as I can. I'm sobbing into his chest now, and hall he's saying is, "Shh, darling, you'll be okay, Gerard, I promise you'll be okay."
I finally start to calm down a bit while in my own thoughts, Frank speaks.
"So, uh, dinner is at 4:15, and it's uh, almost time for dinner."
I think about the dream. I need to eat or I'll die. I need to stop the drugs before I die.
"Frank," I choke out through sobs, "Help me. Take me to rehab, but first, help me to eat. Please, I'm begging you."
I sob, scared he's going to make me leave. He higs me tighter.
"Gerard, I love you, and I will help you get better, I promise."
"I love you too Frank. Now let's go eat."

Author's Note
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been very busy. Next chapter will be a time skip, I'm sorry. It'll be where they started the band and where Gerard is out of rehab. He will still be living with Frank, and he will be eating food. So, thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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