4 Think About That

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"Why are you so calm about this?" I ask Toph as he walks out of the bathroom after his shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist. 

He pushes his lips together in a thinking face and then gives up shrugging, "You're my best friend. This is temporary. We'll get it figured out and life will go back to normal." 

"You don't mind being my husband," I coo as I put my hand over my chest mockingly.  

He laughs as he walks into his closet to get dressed, "Whatever, dude. We're both straight; it's not like you're going to start hitting on me." 

"No I won't, but I'm not completely sure about you," standing up from where I was lying fully clothed on his bed, I walk into his bathroom, "You have an extra toothbrush?"  

"Under the counter," he yells from the other room. A few seconds later, he shows up in the doorframe in blue jeans with his arms crossed over his bare chest, "What do you mean you're not sure about me?" 

If I were a woman, I'd be swooning right now. He looks all rugged and manly. The way his arms are crossed over his pecks shows off his well-sculpted build. The look on his face gives off the playfully stern aura just as his slight lean against the wall offers casual and fun. 

Turning around to look at him straight on, I cross my arms like his and lean my lower back against the bathroom sink behind me, "You're the one that kissed me last night AND you were wrapped around me when I woke up this morning." 

He lets outs a little chuckle and rubs the back of his neck. I can see a slight pink in his cheeks as he tries to remedy the situation, "Hey now, you were not opposed to the kiss. As for this morning, I have no idea what that was. I can't be blamed if I don't remember." 

"We both know that's not true," I point out as I turn around to look in the cabinet for the extra toothbrush. I continue my statement when I see through the mirror that he has an eyebrow raised, "If you couldn't be blamed for stuff you can't remember, we wouldn't be married." 

"Who would let us get married in that state of mind? We have horrible friends," he laughs as I start to scrub my teeth. "I mean wouldn't it be obvious we were wasted? Oh and straight?" 

"Who knows how much you were all over me last night," I joke as I spit some toothpaste from my mouth. "But who could blame you really?" 

He pushes my shoulder as he walks back to his closet to find a shirt and shoes. 


"So what are you expecting to happen?" I ask Topher on the way over to his cousin's house.  

She lives above the bar in a loft. The ride is only about ten minutes, but I'm not really sure what's going to happen when we get there. 

He shrugs without looking away from the road, "I don't know. I just want to know what happened last night so we can figure out how to reverse it." 

"Yea, that would be nice. I don't think I'm ready for a husband yet," I tell him with a chuckle. 

I've never thought about myself with a husband. Hell, I've never thought of myself with a wife; or a girlfriend for that matter. I've had my fair share of one night stands. I used to be one of those guys that would have a girl take me home with her after a night at the bar and catch a cab once we were done; though I haven't done that in a while. About a year, actually. 

Not to say I haven't gotten any for a year, I have. It was just from a girl that I've known all my life. One of those girls you grow up with and then realize when you both have hormones that it could be fun. Well, she came to visit from England a couple months ago. I guess that was my last time. 

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